Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year from Paris!!

Happy Happy New Year. It is around 2:00 pm in California - and 11:00 pm here. No, I am not out in the streets of Paris whooping it in. Truth is, even if the family was healthy right now - I have to admit - it is not my style. Well, it WAS my style in days long ago my dear Mom is saying as she is reading this blog :). But today? I am in my flannel jammies, Frank, Tessa and Julianna are all sleeping... and I am checking in with you all :).

I have been having a hard time sleeping at night due to Tessa and Frank being sick. And found myself just waking up at 10:30 or so this morning - Frank and everyone but Tessa had gone out to breakfast at the American Dinner in Paris. Tessa and I hung out a bit - she was still not doing very well.

Frank brought us back breakfast and Miss Tessa was happy to have pancakes and whip cream :).

Julianna and I headed out to do some shopping. Oh boy!

We went to the Bon Marche and realized it was a little high ticket for us (I had my one and only splurge the other day!) We also went to the La Octaine which was fabulous...but the neatest place I went? This Grocery store (I hate to even call it that) next to Bon Marche - OMG... I could have spent HOURS there... it was utterly amazing.

We headed back on the Metro to drop the bags and to press on shopping. :) We went to the local shops and were able to pick up the gifts I had wanted to get.

Back to the house again - The girls both got themselves lovely rings with the money they brought with them. I was happy to see them purchase something that could last them - rather then 100 cheap things. I hope they hold onto them and remember the trip to Paris. Poor Tessa - she did not want to come and really did not experience much but the inside of the apartment!

We went out for a NYE dinner at a fabulous little Chinese place that was recommended to me off the travel board. Wow! Is all I can say - the meals were around 6.50 E and it was amazing food! I do not think I have ever had better Chinese food (seriously). Tessa DID join us - and did okay through dinner but was fading by the end of it.

Anthony and Max of course headed out on the town - they want to be in the thick of it as any 18 year old would want to be. I pray they are safe!

As I shared, everyone else is sleeping...

Happy New Year my dear friends and family. I am so thankful for all of you.



Suzanne Lowry said...

Happy New Year Dear Dawn!!!
Wish I was there to go "grocery" shopping with you!
Flannel jammies on New Years Eve sounds divine to me..I think I will do that myself!!!
Love to you,

Dawn's Travels said...

Oh Suzanne - I so wish you were here - just so you know, I decided the other place to slip your name was right in my apartment in the Latin Quarter. I am putting it in a locked drawer...and feel it will "stay" there :) So you can "live" in Paris!

Frank ended up waking up at midnight as there was a party upstairs from us - and he heard them counting down and felt bad for me sitting up alone. We watched tv around the world for a while and it was very sweet. The little things :)

Happy New Year! We will be home around 7:00 pm Friday.

Lots of love,

Suzanne Lowry said...

PERFECT PLACE TO LEAVE ME!!!!! Thank you my friend. Your gesture means so much to me. Love you. Safe travel.Looking forward to visiting once you are home and rested!
Happy New Year!

Our Tribe said...

It's 3:25 on friday... you must be zooming through the gray skies not too far from LAX.
Let me be the first of many to WELCOME you home, friend.
I can't believe you have been in Paris since LAST YEAR!!!!!

Dawn's Travels said...

LOL - you crack me up~ We got home around 10:00 pm last night finally through the door!