Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Afternoon December 24

It seems like a very long day today - good but hard to believe it is only 4:20 here... Frank, Julianna and I went out for a while - we never did find a Christmas market :(.

We strolled to the Notre Dame and kept walking over to the ice skating rink - while Anthony, Tessa and Max continuing SLEEPING... hot wine, a sandwich and strolling about...

Now Frank is sleeping and the rest of the natives are getting restless...

Dinner in tonight - whole chickens and fresh produce :)

10:00 pm at the Notre Dame for some sort of celebration? Sounds good.


Mamarazzi said...

What a blast!!! Love all your photos! You people know how to celebrate Christ's birth! :-)
Merry Christmas!

Dawn's Travels said...

LOL - it is surreal here... we went to the Notre Dame last night - it was so crowded and I confess hard to grasp in French! LOL

Merry Merry Christmas!