Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The markets!

Good morning! And it is one here.

I fell back to sleep around 3:30 or so and slept till around 9:45 am - all is well - headed out to get something for "provisions" for the next few days. Oh what fun!

Tessa and Anthony were already out and having breakfast - the rest of the crew was sleeping soundly. I enjoyed the crisp (see: cold) morning air and the feeling on the streets. As I explored around I was delighted to find fresh markets already booming... I saw a long line coming out of a bakery and knew that was the place to get my breads. I was certainly intimadated in the line with all the Parisians to say the least. I stumbled slightly forward knowing my one or two french phrases "do you speak english" being one! I realize that it is a small delight but I confess to be thrilled with just walking about and picking up a few things here and there in all the shops.

I realized that there was no way that I was going to be able to get all I needed and carry it back myself - so I got enough for breakfast and headed back to the apartment.

There is a code in order to get to in the door of the apartment..well - I kept putting it in to no avail - Tessa and Anthony fortunately strolled up the street and told me I was at the wrong door. Oppsss... I wonder how long that would have taken me to figure out!

Frank and I headed back out - this time with my large tote - NOW I was a real Parisian. Of course I was thrilled as people mistook me in my black slack, sweater and coat for being French :).

Wine is amazing here adn such a fabulous price! I have to say to my Saddleback Staff that might be reading my blog I have never been so thrilled NOT to be on Staff .

Whole chickens, cheese, wine, bread, fruit, sausage... we are set for a few days :).

Now... the issue is that we came back to a sleeping let them sleep or not? I think I shall for a while - we are wanting to go to midnight mass this evening so it is most likely a good idea!
Joyeux Noël my friends and family!


Our Tribe said...

I am SO excited for you all! Can't WAIT for more updates! REALLY can't wait to hear about midnight mass at Notre Dame! AWESOME!!!!!!

Dawn's Travels said...

Wish you were here! Would be so much fun!!!