Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Louvre....and Christmas Markets

I am starting to lose track of the days a little... Today is Sunday - yesterday was Sat. I got up early with the girls and headed out to the Hotel De Louvre. We stayed there in June of 2007 and Julianna LOVED the french toast so we promised her that she could have it again. Frank called the night before to be sure they were still serving the same breakfast - because he and the boys had been out late - it was just the girls and I. We got to the metro and it is was a bit of an adventure. Once again we boarded the wrong train going in the wrong direction...LOL We jumped off - re boarded and were off again!

It was down right cold in the morning. One thing that I have noticed is how sleepy Paris is in the morning. It appeared that a couple was just HEADED home from a night out... we exited the Metro right at the Louvre. BUSY in this area (1st district) - TOURISTS!

Breakfast was comical. The hotel is packed with tourists and and the staff seems slightly frustrated. There was actually NO french toast. So our expensive breakfast with rude staff was not what we had planned for.

Off to the Louvre. I could spend hours writing about our time there. I was completely overwhelmed by the most of art and the building itself. We spent several hours and I could have stayed all day. The girls were having a different time LOL... so off we went. We boarded the Metro to go and find the Christmas Markets. Now, I have wanted to go to Germany and see the authentic markets - and was VERY excited to see these... sort of a bust. Very cheesy..not authentic. Mostly all made in India I think.

We grabbed a cab back as Tessa was hitting a wall again. She is getting sick (gee shocker for those that know how she gets sick often when we travel) and was very tired. The cab was easy and we arrived back at the apartment - Tessa was sleeping before I could count to 10.

The guys headed out as we were coming in - sort of a drag that we were on different schedules yesterdays but it was okay.

I spent the afternoon reading, playing on line and just relaxing as the girls slept.

I headed out to the pharmacy to get some drugs for Tessa. Hopefully they will help her get better - and walked around the Latin Quarter. As I was wandering about - the church bells were ringing and there was a huge crowd gathered - the French Military had their swords up and a lovely bride and groom immerged from the church - pure elegance - what a difference a French bride and groom as opposed to our garish brides and weddings - it was a time warp - all the women in hats and skirts even though it was 23 degrees!

Julianna and I headed out when Frank came home - Tessa was still not feeling well - we took the Metro down to St. Germain and strolled about - anytime I see a old cathedral I have to go in... so I drug Julianna in - and there was another Christmas market still up - again, mostly made in India. :) So no purchases were made.

We strolled and found an Italian Restaurant to dine in - it was nice to have dinner with just Julianna as we do not get that opportunity often - :)

Back home and called it a night - I finally slept all night ! Yeah! But unfortunately Miss Tessa was up again at 3:00 am. Hopefully she will be able to stay awake longer today. It is a brutal cycle.

Today we are going to the Musee d'orsay - and hopefully to the Catacombs - I also want to get to a church of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal where there was a sighting of Virgin Mary. Sounds interesting...

Hope you have a GREAT day!



Mamarazzi said...

I love all your photos Dawn. Were you able to find "Mona" at the Louve? Do they let people up on the Arch de Triumph anymore? What a trip!

Dawn's Travels said...

Awwhhh Shelly thank you!!! Yes, you can still go up the Arce de Triumph. :) I will write more later!