Friday, December 26, 2008


Okay...I realize to some of you who might be reading - that it does not seem that cold but man it was a chilly day today!

We ventured out to take the RER to Versailles and felt the cold wind right away...

We got on the wrong train - but made it there no issues once we got on the right train - had lunch in McDonalds (stop lol) I think it cost us just as much as having lunch in a cafe would have though. Note to self on that one. The kids seemed to enjoy it.

The que was long to get tickets to Versailles but we had Museum passes. Please note that many of the museums are free to students - having said that I was not sure if they would still have to wait in line to get a "ticket" so I went ahead and spent the money on the passes to avoid the line. I am glad I did..the line was long and most likely because it was the day after Christmas the palace was crowded - Have I mentioned I hate crowds?

Okay..moving right along - the French have done something interesting to the amazing paintings and art work in Versailles that I would love to understand more. They have a showing of a "modern" artist that is smack in the middle of almost every exhibit. Color me stupid but I simply did not get it. ?? I will post the photos soon and you can decide??

We ventured through the lovely palace and then onto the gardens which would I am sure be far more enjoyable in weather that was above "feels like 24 degrees" - my face actually felt a little frozen.. yup - seriously.

Max and Anthony wanted to continue on in the gardens - Frank and the girls and I went to a Starbucks (yes, I still love my starbucks even in France) and sat down and warmed up!

Back to the train we went - oh wait - chaos of some sort has ensued... people getting on and off trains - announcements coming in french that we do not understand... ? Tessa states "I feel like I am in the holocaust being shoved around on trains, can we PLEASE take a taxi???" Only my daughter. (another note to self: stop making Tessa study the holocaust perhaps enough is enough)

We finally got home on a VERY crowded standing room only train where *I* started to feel like a cow being herded as well... a French man who reminded me of Steve Buscemi was talking to himself or me. I never did figure it out - but he was VERY amused with himself and often just started laughing..after a while it became down right creepy. He reached into his front pocket and slowly pulled out..... his wallet. LOL Surely it was a gun I thought.

We did manage to make it to our stop all in one piece - although I was not sure where Anthony and Max where - they keep trying to distance themselves from us (gee - surprise in that? 18 year old boys in Paris - not wanting to "be" with the dorky woman who looks like she is 700 pounds in all her layers, the whiny 11 year old who has blood shot eyes - and Frank who looks like the Michelin tire with his puffy jacket...)- Norte Dame - I sent Frank back to the apartment with Tessa (who I forgot to mention had been up since 2:30 am - yes, that is correct - 2:30 am - love Jetlag NOT) Okay..where was I? Oh yes, so I sent Tessa and Frank back while Julianna and I went to a grocery store. This was more of a store then I had been able to find - and less expensive as well. Picked up pasta to make for dinner - stopped at another market for my fresh roasted chicken and then onto the produce. I think this might be what I have enjoyed the most - shopping at the markets! I love it.

Made dinner and had to wake everyone up - literally. Not good. Very cranky family.

They wake up slowly and painfully - I am determinded to not let Tessa go to bed before 8:00 pm or else the saga will continue.

Frank, Anthony and Max are out for the night. As I shared before I am simply not a go out at night kind of gal. I know B-O-R-I-N-G.

The plan tomorrow is to get the girls up and go to breakfast at the place we stayed at on our last trip here - it has the MOST amazing french toast in the world... (I think so!) and then go to the Louve. Afterwards to hit the Christmas market on the Champs-Elysées which is supposed to be there till 12-28.

We are definitely all enjoying the aspect of slower travel. I like having the apartment to spread out in.

I believe we have decided there is enough to do in Paris - so rather then spend the cash on the train tickets to go far away - to enjoy more right here. We shall how that feels on Monday or Tuesday.

Hope everyone had a merry merry Christmas!


1 comment:

Our Tribe said...

Laughed out loud at the 'holocaust' insight. hahahaha!