Friday, December 26, 2008

Negative Nancy or Debbie decide..

Well, I have focused on the positive up until (mainly) which of course is not easy for someone who can see her cup as half empty cracked and leaking at times (I read that saying once and could certainly relate!)...

I am sort of grumpy this morning (yes, one can get grumpy even in Paris)so I thought a good time to share the not so bright parts of our trip thus far - :)

1. Our apartment has all wood floors - nice right? NOPE - you hear every creak and sound of anyone walking. That includes the people above us who Tessa said "Were really playing around last night - "growling" at each other" You go with that...

2. Jetlag. Okay - I honestly do not remember being as messed up last time we "crossed" the pond and frankly we went through a lot more to get here (some will recall our trip to Europe in June/July of 2007 by way of Santiago Chile putting us at over 24 flight hours to get to Paris and about 48 real hours so maybe we were just SO messed up it did not feel this bad???)Anyways - we all are just a little off. Tessa of course esp. she is up and wired and then crashes out... and she is sharing a room with Julianna so that creates stress on J's sleeping... I woke up today at 5:00 am and walked out and Anthony was up (he had NEVER been to sleep - that is another rant for another day) and Tessa was looking like she belonged perhaps in Twilight...a little goulish with pale skin and a tint of blue under her eyes - yikes.

3. Honestly...that is it. Wow...guess it is not that bad??? :) The best part is definately being in the same place and not worrying about jamming everything into three days in one country. I know it can be overly tempting once you get to Europe to fill in as much as possible (btdt on our last trip) but as I have mentioned one of my delights with this trip is shopping at the market (although it makes me miss my Mom as I know how much she would relish in the simple act as well - Do we all really become our Moms at some point in our journey???)... I love the Latin Quarter. I have read it is packed in the summer and unpleasant - I have not experienced that at this point. The most crowded we have been (outside of the train last night LOL) was over by the Eiffel tower. A part of me is feeling a little guilty for not getting "things" checked off the list but truly just having a meal, drinking the amazing cheap wine, people is all what I like to absorb.

I can see how people fall in love with France...the only thing I am itching to do is see another part of the amazing country but alas that might have to be for a future trip..just sshhhhhhhhhh don't mention it to Frank - he knows I am not happy unless I am on a trip, or planning one! :)


Suzanne Lowry said...

Sorry Dawn but I accidently posted this in the wrong here it is again on the correct day!!!

Hey Dawn!
I am living my Paris dream through you so please send Debbie Downer and Nancy Negative packing.. LOL!!!
Love your posts and pics. Praying your trip just gets better and better.
Love you!
Happy New Year!!!

Dawn's Travels said...

awhhh Suzanne - I know I know... get rid of Debbie Downer! LOL All is well here - I need to update on our day yesterday... :) The Lourve!