Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts/Questions on Paris

Random thoughts/Questions...

1. Washing machine/dryers - not sure how a family could make it on the limited amount of drying power that the machines put out?

2. Medicine - how come it is so cheap?

3. Wine - how come it is so GOOD? :)

4. Salads - they serve a small salad with most meals - including breakfast.

5. Art - How on EARTH did they manage to get so much amazing Art into ONE city?? Seems downright unfair in ways.

6. Fashion - How is it that the women manage to look so chic without even trying? The understated elegance is amazing.

7. Bread - how is it that they all eat so much bread and remain so thin?

8. Small tables - because they are all so thin and space is at such a high commodity - the tables are VERY close together - and the Parisians do not even notice it. Julianna commented that it is like there is a wall around them - they speak and have a full dinner without ever even looking to the right or lef

1 comment:

Suzanne Lowry said...

Where are you? Have been checking in but no posts from you. Hope you are having a grand time and just too busy to stop and blog.
Happy New Year!