Monday, December 29, 2008

Musée d'Orsay, Catacombs, American Hospital in Paris...

Alrighty then. What Marraccino trip would be complete with out Miss Tessa needing medical attention?

Well..yesterday started off fabulous - we headed out to the Musee d' Orsay - we had our museum passes but there was still a bit of a line. Tessa was not feeling well and honestly it was BITTER cold yesterday - even the Parisians felt it.

The Muse d' Orsay was a dream... I wish my Mom was here with me. Growing up with copies of Monet's on the wall...and Paul Cézanne... to see the ORGINALS?? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I had the same reaction as I did when I had the privilege of seeing the David in Florence. I wanted to weep... but was quickly brought back to reality of Frank, Tessa and Julianna wanting to keep on moving - LOL.

We spent a few hours there - I think someday I would almost like to come back alone or with my Mom. :) To just wander about for hours without worrying about everyone else being happy...

We had lunch across the way from the museum. Was not any place I would recommend but we had the feeling going in that it would be less then desired as many places are that so close to main attractions.

Tessa was fading fast - I sent Frank, Anthony, Julianna and Max off to the Catacombs and Tessa and I headed back to the apartment for her to rest - her eyes were glassy and she was once again looking like she stepped out of the pages of Twilight with a bluish tint under her eyes and a very pale pallor.

I gave her what I got at the pharmacy and started to research where to get a Dr. for her. Thanks for the Fodors board I was able to figure out to take her to the American Hospital in Paris. I waited on Frank but they did not get here and her breathing was getting really wheezy... I had no phone (mistake was that Frank had my phone on him and the boys had a phone on them)... I tried to go down and make a call on the street to no avail.

I got Tessa up and took her to get a cab - she was NOT a happy camper.

It was a LONG ride in the traffic and a crazy French Cab driver who was cursing and carrying on the entire way.

We finally arrived at the American Hospital in Paris to be told that they would not treat her in ER because she was not an adult?? I thought I might cry. The nurse I think took pity on me and said she would go and look for a Pediatrician. A few moments later a French man appeared and whisked us back to his office.

He was very charming and kind - He did an exam and a throat culture - and she has a bacteria infection and he felt she was close to pneumonia. He was able to give me enough antibiotics for the night and got us a cab. Cost? 120 Euros for the entire visit. Amazing. Paid him cash and all was said and done...


On the cab ride home Tessa kept saying "I am feeling car sick" know Tessa is to know Tessa is ALWAYS car sick. I just kept saying 'lay down sweetie", "try to relax"... about half way she says "PARDON MONSUIRE" I realize she is fully going to throw up. (sorry) ...I say "pull over please" (loudly) He swerves the car over - she hops out and retches in a violent fashion ALL over the sidewalk --- many many times. Oh my. The cab driver appears to be leaving..WITH my bag?? I run to the car and he assures me that he was just pulling forward. Okay... he bravely allows us back in the car and we made it home..

There is a note on the door from Frank saying he had no key to get call him. I wonder with what??? LOL

Tessa rests and Frank and Julianna make it home about an hour or so later. They had been waiting for us at a nearby restaurant watching for us to get home - could not see us in the cab.

Julianna LOVED the catacombs and I will share some of her photos when I upload more pictures.


LONG day in Paris. I know that many would say "you do not want to be sick in another country."

I would say you would want to be sick in Paris more then in the USA.

The cost of her 3 prescriptions this morning? 15.00 Euros total. No joke. So for 135 Euros total she had an ER visit and three prescriptions. Hummm..maybe Michael Moore in Sicko was onto something eh? ;-) Come on Obama -- do something for our healthcare! :)

Quiet day thus far here - the boys headed back out - Frank unfortunately is not feeling well either. He is going to stay home with Tessa today and I will head out for a few hours with Julianna to enjoy more of this amazing city that I have fallen in love with.


Suzanne Lowry said...

Dear Dawn,
I can so relate to your feelings while at the Muse d' Orsay. I remember my first visit to an art museum (SOMA) when my feelings were much like yours. I felt like I was face to face with much loved icons. What excitement I felt!! I too could have stood there with a smile on my face for much longer than I was "allowed" to! Now I do not feel so goofy. for a special request. Very silly but meaningful to me...write my name on a piece of paper--Suzanne Rouchon Lowry (yes! I am French!!!). Find a special spot. Whisper my name out loud and leave that small piece of paper there.
NOW I will feel that I a part of me has been to Paris..kinda! Odd, strange, goofy, silly. I know! LOL!!!
Love you my friend,

Dawn's Travels said...

Okay...I know it has been a long few days here for me -but I am honestly crying and LOL - we are soul sisters..told you :).

YOU should come to Paris with me!

I will certainly honor your request...and pray you come here yourself one day. I am enchanted with this city.


Suzanne Lowry said...

I knew you would respond right away!!! My dream is to go to Paris. My family has known that for years. All of them (except Marissa) have been there...not fair!! YES! We should together...soul sister trip!! doing all the things that no one else wants to do or understands why we would want to do...checking out the museums, markets, architecure, hospitals, French Starbucks.... it goes on and on LOL!!!!
Keep up the great writings..

Our Tribe said...

Dawn, Suzanne, and STACIE... on our trip
to gay "Par-ee"...

I too have DREAMED of going. Since I was in 2nd grade (long story, tell you later).

Although I maybe savoring a crepe or at the Museum of modern art while you 2 ogle the impressionists, OK? (But I'll let you stay as long as you want!!!)


Dawn's Travels said...

I am simply dying LOL here...I am so blessed to be able to call you both friends - I say we plan it. :)

vous vivez seulement une fois

I am sitting here with a very sick Tessa sleeping in the room with me. Sent Anthony, Max and Julianna ice skating. I think Tessa is having night terrors -she is sitting up saying "get the spiders off me" ... oh my.

Much love to you both my dear friends,

Dawn's Travels said...

Writing more..Suzanne..I am going to find the perfect place..I know I will KNOW it when I see it...and I will bring you back something I can find from that area...something that is VERY "Parisian".

Did you know I was French too??My paternal grandmother was French.

Suzanne Lowry said...

Dawn, Stacie...
The more the merrier!
How many pickle jars of coin will I need to save 'cause I am starting now!!

Another thing..MY Tessa had night terrors too...!

And where is your family from? Mine..from Lyon.
