Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joyeux Noël!

Merry Merry Christmas!

We had a nice dinner in the apartment. It was rather comical - me trying to figure out the stove etc... sigh. I was wishing once again my Mom was here - as she seems to be able to figure these things out. Do we ever reach an age where "Mom" cannot figure it out? I have a feeling not.

Speaking of my Mom, I am a tiny bit morbid this morning missing family at home. Hope the Christmas Day is lovely for my loved ones not here with us. I got a little weepy yesterday missing Ryan. I saw an Apple store and sort of choked up. Silly what can trigger us!

Anyway - back to the trip... we had the fresh pickings from the market and everything was amazing. I swear the carrots taste better here? Is that possible??? A carrot is a carrot?No?

A lovely bottle of French red wine --- a desert that I am not sure what it is called - some sort of a chocolate roll -- they had so many in the display case at the shop - I just said "That one"!

Off we went to the Notre Dame. Okay... I realize it should have been amazing -right? Notre Dame - Christmas Eve? It was a mad house. We all know I abhor crowds... but we got a seat towards the back at 9:20 (yes, I said 9:20 pm - it was crowded already - long lines) We watched what they called the spectacular. Poor Kids, Poor Frank... I confess it was not spectacular. It was a large power point presentation (yes, big screens just like at SVCC LOL!) What WAS spectacular was the fact that we were in the Notre Dame... it is a fabulous building and I was lulled to sleep by the french words..Tessa, Anthony, Max and I all doozed...sorry. :) Wish I could report different but just keeping it real!

The crowds continued to pour in... sort of pushy - lots of tour buses I think???

The spectacular ended at 11:00 pm and we decided to move out - if it had just been Frank and I we would have stayed but I felt the kids might be passed out cold by that time and so might my bottom! (it was numb from sitting in the chairs with Tessa leaning on me!)

Out into the night we ventured - hot wine for Frank and I (do you see a trend??) and hot chocolate from the street for the not so little ones...

Around midnight I called it a night - with the girls and encouraged Frank and the "boys" to hang out longer if they wanted...but Frank headed back with us and we let the guys out on the streets...oh my. They got home later - I heard them come in..not sure what time??

I have stocking for this morning - I have not heard a noise from the children yet - but did hear them all rustling through out the night..

Speaking of - we are still sort of jet lagged. I know I woke up several times through out the night and so did Frank. Could be the city noise, the apartment has all old wood flooring and if anyone gets up of course I hear it.

Not sure what the day will bring - we have talked about heading out to Disneyland Paris - I really do not want to - we all know that I actually love Disneyland but have not been too keen on spending the time and the money to go HERE when it is 20 minutes from my house in the states..but alas - the girls are dying to go. I am not going to wake them for a while - so we shall see.

I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior Christ!


1 comment:

Our Tribe said...

Haha. Bummer! I had such visions of Parisian greatness!