Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let is Snow...Monday continued ...

Anthony decided he wanted to stay in today - so Frank, Julianna, Max and I headed out this afternoon. Anthony stayed with Tessa who remains under the weather.

I had wanted to go to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Catherine Laboure The Sain of Silence. We found it through the Metro - and asking around once we got off in the 7th district. I seemed to like the area that we were in... I have seen apartments in the 7th and could consider that for a future stay.

I am SO thrilled we got to the Chapel. It was beautiful and I encourage you to google it and read about her. Amazing.

After we headed back on the Metro to go to Les Invaldes. When we got off - it was SNOWING in Paris!!!! :)It was incredible!!! Snow in Paris. The museum was great. I highly recommend it - It was without a doubt Frank's favorite museum. He loved the war history.

Headed home after having some French Onion soup and crepes.

Tessa was resting and we had a good day. I hope she is feeling better tomorrow.


Our Tribe said...

Sounds like a very 'real" family trip! Adventures. Awesomeness. Sickness. Everybody going separate ways. Appreciating the simple things. Not all good and not all bad... just TRUE.
Love you.

Dawn's Travels said...

So true my friend...and so much to share with you when I get home!