Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, December 29

Tessa is still not doing well. It is Monday night here around 9:00 pm. She is not responding yet to the medicine. Bummer.

Frank believes he may have the stomach flu - boy are you all still wishing you were here??? Didn't think so.

This afternoon Julianna and I headed out to a flea market I read about in the 18th district - in a Fodors guide book - I thought that would be a fun way to start out the afternoon -- or not?

The cab took a long time and as we cruised along I noticed we were in the "hood"... different element of people, shops, etc then I had seen in Paris thus far.

Keep going and frankly it is not getting any better. Not seeing many if any tourists. Okay - getting a little nervous... (I am a nervous nelly anyway)

Okay... we get to an area and the cab driver says "this is it" Not what I had envisioned as a French Flea Market - this was more like the swap meet in a REALLY bad area.

The cab driver who speaks no English but this "PICKPOCKET" "WATCH" "PICKPOCKET" I asked in English if this was safe and he kept saying "PICKPOCKET" okay.

We get out and cross the street and start to walk towards the "market" area...okay. Well, I am VERY nervous in my Gucci scarf and long black coat with the fur trim. Julianna has her camera around her neck and the area is SWAMPED with people that are eyeing us up and down and I look at Julianna and she said "let's go" .

I agree 100 percent but um..where to? I saw a Metro up the way as we were driving in... sigh. I said to Julianna "put your camera under your scarf, do NOT speak English at ALL, and keep your eyes straight ahead" I held onto my bags with both hands in front of me and we started walking towards the Metro I think I saw.

Two guys crossing the busy street eye us and turn around to follow us (seriously) - not a good sign. My blood level is getting higher, I am cursing Fodors guide book under my breath and keep saying quietly "stay close to me, do not look at anyone, keep your eyes straight ahead" as we were approached by several and the guys are now one on each side of us.

I saw a "Taxi" sign ahead "YEAH"! "NOOOOOOOO...." They are all lined up but not one person is in the driver seat of ANY of them??? I cannot believe this.

Finally was see one guy but he won't open the locks?? I said "Please" in french he opens the door and we got in.

Thank goodness.

Adventures always add to a trip no?

Off to the Champ d’Ellyse - the first area I thought of. We got there quickly - my how fast a neighborhood can change.

I had my first experience making a purchase for myself at the Hermes store. Yes, I did. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to me. :) I delighted in every aspect of being shown the lovely scarves and sampling the different ways to tie them. I am thrilled with my purchase. I asked the truly beautiful woman if she knew of this area and she smiled gently and said "That is not for the privileged" I am not sure how that would translate. I asked "Bad area no?" She repeated "Not for the privileged" . Interesting translation again I thought.

Julianna strolled a little - it remains bitter cold in Paris. We took the Metro back to our area of the Latin Quarter (and seem to have figured out how NOT to take the wrong way) and had a good home cooked meal from America Something so funny happened. We walked in and got a table - I do not recall if there was any speaking to the waitress/hostess. She came over and said "hi" and sounded SO American - I must have given her a funny look because she started to speak in French and then I said "Are you American?" and she said 'Oh you speak English, I thought you might but you looked at me so funny when I said "hi" that I thought "oh no, I have offended her - she is French" LOL - She is a grad student from Seattle. :)

AMAZING food. Seriously. They even had Ranch dressing for Julianna - she beamed and we discussed Twilight and laughed about our "adventure".

Came back with take out for Frank and Tessa - Tessa had a few bites and went back to bed..and Frank was not up to eating. If you all know my husband he is SICK if he is not up to eating.

Anthony, Max and Julianna headed out to go ice skating. BAM strike out again. They came home to say it was closed due to a hole in the ice? :(

I am headed to bed soon - I fear it will be a long night - Tessa is restless.

Hope all is well at home.

Suzanne - I will find the PERFECT spot! Rest assured. :)


Suzanne Lowry said...

I think the perfect spot could have been in the flea market as you and Juliana were being mugged...or in the hospital after the mugging.
Seriously..I cannot wait to hear about the magical spot you choose. I know I will love it!!!
Love you..praying for Tessa and Frank.

Dawn's Travels said...

LOL - I sure do love you! I will find the perfect place!

Suzanne Lowry said...

Love you too my friend. Also praying that you stay healthy and safe...
OH...& please send pics from Disneyland Paris if you s'il vous plaît donner de mon amour pour Mickey!!

Dawn's Travels said...

Suzanne... I found it today!! It was in the Chapel of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal - Catherine Laboure. I actually put it in the Intercessory (sp) prayer basket in front of her body (so not kidding!) It was a really cool experience/place.

I have another slip in my pocket to put in another place!

Suzanne Lowry said...


This is so much fun! I feel like I am there.