Saturday, January 3, 2009


Okay.. I hope I can catch up on the blog - we are home and the last few days seem a bit of a blur?

On NYE as I posted we went to dinner and then we stayed in (sans Max and Anthony of course). Frank ended up being woken up by a party going on at a neighbors apartment with the count down and came out and sat with me and I got my New Years kiss. It was sweet for him to wake up - he said he felt bad for me bringing the New Year in alone. I did not feel alone. :)

New Years day I was not feeling too great and sent Frank, Anthony, Max, Julianna off to explore while I stayed home with Tessa - who was doing much better but it was bitter cold out in Paris.. They went to Montramare (sp) and Frank loved it! He said it was VERY "Paris" with the hills, the artists etc.

Tessa and I did go out a bit - down by the Notre Dame again as she wanted to get a few more items. I had not seen it as crowded as we did that day. Oh my goodness, many many European Tourists. Wow..

We shopped a little - it was very cold.

For dinner we went to a local Italian place. There was a place on the corner that had been recommended but had been closed the entire holiday. We ended up across the street and the meal were just okay.

Heading back - the guys went to a Canadian pub where they watched the Rose Bowl etc... fun for them! :)

Jan. 2 we were headed home. No issues - the flight home was not painful. Watched about 3 movies (Duchess was great) - slept, ate, and slept some more...

Shooting Star always faithful picked us up and we drove through In and Out LOL - and we were all in bed by 11:30!

Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us. It was a privilege to go and to experience all. I am sure I will have some final thoughts on our experience so be sure to check back. :)

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