Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year from Paris!!

Happy Happy New Year. It is around 2:00 pm in California - and 11:00 pm here. No, I am not out in the streets of Paris whooping it in. Truth is, even if the family was healthy right now - I have to admit - it is not my style. Well, it WAS my style in days long ago my dear Mom is saying as she is reading this blog :). But today? I am in my flannel jammies, Frank, Tessa and Julianna are all sleeping... and I am checking in with you all :).

I have been having a hard time sleeping at night due to Tessa and Frank being sick. And found myself just waking up at 10:30 or so this morning - Frank and everyone but Tessa had gone out to breakfast at the American Dinner in Paris. Tessa and I hung out a bit - she was still not doing very well.

Frank brought us back breakfast and Miss Tessa was happy to have pancakes and whip cream :).

Julianna and I headed out to do some shopping. Oh boy!

We went to the Bon Marche and realized it was a little high ticket for us (I had my one and only splurge the other day!) We also went to the La Octaine which was fabulous...but the neatest place I went? This Grocery store (I hate to even call it that) next to Bon Marche - OMG... I could have spent HOURS there... it was utterly amazing.

We headed back on the Metro to drop the bags and to press on shopping. :) We went to the local shops and were able to pick up the gifts I had wanted to get.

Back to the house again - The girls both got themselves lovely rings with the money they brought with them. I was happy to see them purchase something that could last them - rather then 100 cheap things. I hope they hold onto them and remember the trip to Paris. Poor Tessa - she did not want to come and really did not experience much but the inside of the apartment!

We went out for a NYE dinner at a fabulous little Chinese place that was recommended to me off the travel board. Wow! Is all I can say - the meals were around 6.50 E and it was amazing food! I do not think I have ever had better Chinese food (seriously). Tessa DID join us - and did okay through dinner but was fading by the end of it.

Anthony and Max of course headed out on the town - they want to be in the thick of it as any 18 year old would want to be. I pray they are safe!

As I shared, everyone else is sleeping...

Happy New Year my dear friends and family. I am so thankful for all of you.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts/Questions on Paris

Random thoughts/Questions...

1. Washing machine/dryers - not sure how a family could make it on the limited amount of drying power that the machines put out?

2. Medicine - how come it is so cheap?

3. Wine - how come it is so GOOD? :)

4. Salads - they serve a small salad with most meals - including breakfast.

5. Art - How on EARTH did they manage to get so much amazing Art into ONE city?? Seems downright unfair in ways.

6. Fashion - How is it that the women manage to look so chic without even trying? The understated elegance is amazing.

7. Bread - how is it that they all eat so much bread and remain so thin?

8. Small tables - because they are all so thin and space is at such a high commodity - the tables are VERY close together - and the Parisians do not even notice it. Julianna commented that it is like there is a wall around them - they speak and have a full dinner without ever even looking to the right or lef

Let is Snow...Monday continued ...

Anthony decided he wanted to stay in today - so Frank, Julianna, Max and I headed out this afternoon. Anthony stayed with Tessa who remains under the weather.

I had wanted to go to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Catherine Laboure The Sain of Silence. We found it through the Metro - and asking around once we got off in the 7th district. I seemed to like the area that we were in... I have seen apartments in the 7th and could consider that for a future stay.

I am SO thrilled we got to the Chapel. It was beautiful and I encourage you to google it and read about her. Amazing.

After we headed back on the Metro to go to Les Invaldes. When we got off - it was SNOWING in Paris!!!! :)It was incredible!!! Snow in Paris. The museum was great. I highly recommend it - It was without a doubt Frank's favorite museum. He loved the war history.

Headed home after having some French Onion soup and crepes.

Tessa was resting and we had a good day. I hope she is feeling better tomorrow.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, December 29

Tessa is still not doing well. It is Monday night here around 9:00 pm. She is not responding yet to the medicine. Bummer.

Frank believes he may have the stomach flu - boy are you all still wishing you were here??? Didn't think so.

This afternoon Julianna and I headed out to a flea market I read about in the 18th district - in a Fodors guide book - I thought that would be a fun way to start out the afternoon -- or not?

The cab took a long time and as we cruised along I noticed we were in the "hood"... different element of people, shops, etc then I had seen in Paris thus far.

Keep going and frankly it is not getting any better. Not seeing many if any tourists. Okay - getting a little nervous... (I am a nervous nelly anyway)

Okay... we get to an area and the cab driver says "this is it" Not what I had envisioned as a French Flea Market - this was more like the swap meet in a REALLY bad area.

The cab driver who speaks no English but this "PICKPOCKET" "WATCH" "PICKPOCKET" I asked in English if this was safe and he kept saying "PICKPOCKET" okay.

We get out and cross the street and start to walk towards the "market" area...okay. Well, I am VERY nervous in my Gucci scarf and long black coat with the fur trim. Julianna has her camera around her neck and the area is SWAMPED with people that are eyeing us up and down and I look at Julianna and she said "let's go" .

I agree 100 percent but um..where to? I saw a Metro up the way as we were driving in... sigh. I said to Julianna "put your camera under your scarf, do NOT speak English at ALL, and keep your eyes straight ahead" I held onto my bags with both hands in front of me and we started walking towards the Metro I think I saw.

Two guys crossing the busy street eye us and turn around to follow us (seriously) - not a good sign. My blood level is getting higher, I am cursing Fodors guide book under my breath and keep saying quietly "stay close to me, do not look at anyone, keep your eyes straight ahead" as we were approached by several and the guys are now one on each side of us.

I saw a "Taxi" sign ahead "YEAH"! "NOOOOOOOO...." They are all lined up but not one person is in the driver seat of ANY of them??? I cannot believe this.

Finally was see one guy but he won't open the locks?? I said "Please" in french he opens the door and we got in.

Thank goodness.

Adventures always add to a trip no?

Off to the Champ d’Ellyse - the first area I thought of. We got there quickly - my how fast a neighborhood can change.

I had my first experience making a purchase for myself at the Hermes store. Yes, I did. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to me. :) I delighted in every aspect of being shown the lovely scarves and sampling the different ways to tie them. I am thrilled with my purchase. I asked the truly beautiful woman if she knew of this area and she smiled gently and said "That is not for the privileged" I am not sure how that would translate. I asked "Bad area no?" She repeated "Not for the privileged" . Interesting translation again I thought.

Julianna strolled a little - it remains bitter cold in Paris. We took the Metro back to our area of the Latin Quarter (and seem to have figured out how NOT to take the wrong way) and had a good home cooked meal from America Something so funny happened. We walked in and got a table - I do not recall if there was any speaking to the waitress/hostess. She came over and said "hi" and sounded SO American - I must have given her a funny look because she started to speak in French and then I said "Are you American?" and she said 'Oh you speak English, I thought you might but you looked at me so funny when I said "hi" that I thought "oh no, I have offended her - she is French" LOL - She is a grad student from Seattle. :)

AMAZING food. Seriously. They even had Ranch dressing for Julianna - she beamed and we discussed Twilight and laughed about our "adventure".

Came back with take out for Frank and Tessa - Tessa had a few bites and went back to bed..and Frank was not up to eating. If you all know my husband he is SICK if he is not up to eating.

Anthony, Max and Julianna headed out to go ice skating. BAM strike out again. They came home to say it was closed due to a hole in the ice? :(

I am headed to bed soon - I fear it will be a long night - Tessa is restless.

Hope all is well at home.

Suzanne - I will find the PERFECT spot! Rest assured. :)

Musée d'Orsay, Catacombs, American Hospital in Paris...

Alrighty then. What Marraccino trip would be complete with out Miss Tessa needing medical attention?

Well..yesterday started off fabulous - we headed out to the Musee d' Orsay - we had our museum passes but there was still a bit of a line. Tessa was not feeling well and honestly it was BITTER cold yesterday - even the Parisians felt it.

The Muse d' Orsay was a dream... I wish my Mom was here with me. Growing up with copies of Monet's on the wall...and Paul Cézanne... to see the ORGINALS?? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I had the same reaction as I did when I had the privilege of seeing the David in Florence. I wanted to weep... but was quickly brought back to reality of Frank, Tessa and Julianna wanting to keep on moving - LOL.

We spent a few hours there - I think someday I would almost like to come back alone or with my Mom. :) To just wander about for hours without worrying about everyone else being happy...

We had lunch across the way from the museum. Was not any place I would recommend but we had the feeling going in that it would be less then desired as many places are that so close to main attractions.

Tessa was fading fast - I sent Frank, Anthony, Julianna and Max off to the Catacombs and Tessa and I headed back to the apartment for her to rest - her eyes were glassy and she was once again looking like she stepped out of the pages of Twilight with a bluish tint under her eyes and a very pale pallor.

I gave her what I got at the pharmacy and started to research where to get a Dr. for her. Thanks for the Fodors board I was able to figure out to take her to the American Hospital in Paris. I waited on Frank but they did not get here and her breathing was getting really wheezy... I had no phone (mistake was that Frank had my phone on him and the boys had a phone on them)... I tried to go down and make a call on the street to no avail.

I got Tessa up and took her to get a cab - she was NOT a happy camper.

It was a LONG ride in the traffic and a crazy French Cab driver who was cursing and carrying on the entire way.

We finally arrived at the American Hospital in Paris to be told that they would not treat her in ER because she was not an adult?? I thought I might cry. The nurse I think took pity on me and said she would go and look for a Pediatrician. A few moments later a French man appeared and whisked us back to his office.

He was very charming and kind - He did an exam and a throat culture - and she has a bacteria infection and he felt she was close to pneumonia. He was able to give me enough antibiotics for the night and got us a cab. Cost? 120 Euros for the entire visit. Amazing. Paid him cash and all was said and done...


On the cab ride home Tessa kept saying "I am feeling car sick" know Tessa is to know Tessa is ALWAYS car sick. I just kept saying 'lay down sweetie", "try to relax"... about half way she says "PARDON MONSUIRE" I realize she is fully going to throw up. (sorry) ...I say "pull over please" (loudly) He swerves the car over - she hops out and retches in a violent fashion ALL over the sidewalk --- many many times. Oh my. The cab driver appears to be leaving..WITH my bag?? I run to the car and he assures me that he was just pulling forward. Okay... he bravely allows us back in the car and we made it home..

There is a note on the door from Frank saying he had no key to get call him. I wonder with what??? LOL

Tessa rests and Frank and Julianna make it home about an hour or so later. They had been waiting for us at a nearby restaurant watching for us to get home - could not see us in the cab.

Julianna LOVED the catacombs and I will share some of her photos when I upload more pictures.


LONG day in Paris. I know that many would say "you do not want to be sick in another country."

I would say you would want to be sick in Paris more then in the USA.

The cost of her 3 prescriptions this morning? 15.00 Euros total. No joke. So for 135 Euros total she had an ER visit and three prescriptions. Hummm..maybe Michael Moore in Sicko was onto something eh? ;-) Come on Obama -- do something for our healthcare! :)

Quiet day thus far here - the boys headed back out - Frank unfortunately is not feeling well either. He is going to stay home with Tessa today and I will head out for a few hours with Julianna to enjoy more of this amazing city that I have fallen in love with.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Louvre....and Christmas Markets

I am starting to lose track of the days a little... Today is Sunday - yesterday was Sat. I got up early with the girls and headed out to the Hotel De Louvre. We stayed there in June of 2007 and Julianna LOVED the french toast so we promised her that she could have it again. Frank called the night before to be sure they were still serving the same breakfast - because he and the boys had been out late - it was just the girls and I. We got to the metro and it is was a bit of an adventure. Once again we boarded the wrong train going in the wrong direction...LOL We jumped off - re boarded and were off again!

It was down right cold in the morning. One thing that I have noticed is how sleepy Paris is in the morning. It appeared that a couple was just HEADED home from a night out... we exited the Metro right at the Louvre. BUSY in this area (1st district) - TOURISTS!

Breakfast was comical. The hotel is packed with tourists and and the staff seems slightly frustrated. There was actually NO french toast. So our expensive breakfast with rude staff was not what we had planned for.

Off to the Louvre. I could spend hours writing about our time there. I was completely overwhelmed by the most of art and the building itself. We spent several hours and I could have stayed all day. The girls were having a different time LOL... so off we went. We boarded the Metro to go and find the Christmas Markets. Now, I have wanted to go to Germany and see the authentic markets - and was VERY excited to see these... sort of a bust. Very cheesy..not authentic. Mostly all made in India I think.

We grabbed a cab back as Tessa was hitting a wall again. She is getting sick (gee shocker for those that know how she gets sick often when we travel) and was very tired. The cab was easy and we arrived back at the apartment - Tessa was sleeping before I could count to 10.

The guys headed out as we were coming in - sort of a drag that we were on different schedules yesterdays but it was okay.

I spent the afternoon reading, playing on line and just relaxing as the girls slept.

I headed out to the pharmacy to get some drugs for Tessa. Hopefully they will help her get better - and walked around the Latin Quarter. As I was wandering about - the church bells were ringing and there was a huge crowd gathered - the French Military had their swords up and a lovely bride and groom immerged from the church - pure elegance - what a difference a French bride and groom as opposed to our garish brides and weddings - it was a time warp - all the women in hats and skirts even though it was 23 degrees!

Julianna and I headed out when Frank came home - Tessa was still not feeling well - we took the Metro down to St. Germain and strolled about - anytime I see a old cathedral I have to go in... so I drug Julianna in - and there was another Christmas market still up - again, mostly made in India. :) So no purchases were made.

We strolled and found an Italian Restaurant to dine in - it was nice to have dinner with just Julianna as we do not get that opportunity often - :)

Back home and called it a night - I finally slept all night ! Yeah! But unfortunately Miss Tessa was up again at 3:00 am. Hopefully she will be able to stay awake longer today. It is a brutal cycle.

Today we are going to the Musee d'orsay - and hopefully to the Catacombs - I also want to get to a church of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal where there was a sighting of Virgin Mary. Sounds interesting...

Hope you have a GREAT day!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Negative Nancy or Debbie decide..

Well, I have focused on the positive up until (mainly) which of course is not easy for someone who can see her cup as half empty cracked and leaking at times (I read that saying once and could certainly relate!)...

I am sort of grumpy this morning (yes, one can get grumpy even in Paris)so I thought a good time to share the not so bright parts of our trip thus far - :)

1. Our apartment has all wood floors - nice right? NOPE - you hear every creak and sound of anyone walking. That includes the people above us who Tessa said "Were really playing around last night - "growling" at each other" You go with that...

2. Jetlag. Okay - I honestly do not remember being as messed up last time we "crossed" the pond and frankly we went through a lot more to get here (some will recall our trip to Europe in June/July of 2007 by way of Santiago Chile putting us at over 24 flight hours to get to Paris and about 48 real hours so maybe we were just SO messed up it did not feel this bad???)Anyways - we all are just a little off. Tessa of course esp. she is up and wired and then crashes out... and she is sharing a room with Julianna so that creates stress on J's sleeping... I woke up today at 5:00 am and walked out and Anthony was up (he had NEVER been to sleep - that is another rant for another day) and Tessa was looking like she belonged perhaps in Twilight...a little goulish with pale skin and a tint of blue under her eyes - yikes.

3. Honestly...that is it. Wow...guess it is not that bad??? :) The best part is definately being in the same place and not worrying about jamming everything into three days in one country. I know it can be overly tempting once you get to Europe to fill in as much as possible (btdt on our last trip) but as I have mentioned one of my delights with this trip is shopping at the market (although it makes me miss my Mom as I know how much she would relish in the simple act as well - Do we all really become our Moms at some point in our journey???)... I love the Latin Quarter. I have read it is packed in the summer and unpleasant - I have not experienced that at this point. The most crowded we have been (outside of the train last night LOL) was over by the Eiffel tower. A part of me is feeling a little guilty for not getting "things" checked off the list but truly just having a meal, drinking the amazing cheap wine, people is all what I like to absorb.

I can see how people fall in love with France...the only thing I am itching to do is see another part of the amazing country but alas that might have to be for a future trip..just sshhhhhhhhhh don't mention it to Frank - he knows I am not happy unless I am on a trip, or planning one! :)


Okay...I realize to some of you who might be reading - that it does not seem that cold but man it was a chilly day today!

We ventured out to take the RER to Versailles and felt the cold wind right away...

We got on the wrong train - but made it there no issues once we got on the right train - had lunch in McDonalds (stop lol) I think it cost us just as much as having lunch in a cafe would have though. Note to self on that one. The kids seemed to enjoy it.

The que was long to get tickets to Versailles but we had Museum passes. Please note that many of the museums are free to students - having said that I was not sure if they would still have to wait in line to get a "ticket" so I went ahead and spent the money on the passes to avoid the line. I am glad I did..the line was long and most likely because it was the day after Christmas the palace was crowded - Have I mentioned I hate crowds?

Okay..moving right along - the French have done something interesting to the amazing paintings and art work in Versailles that I would love to understand more. They have a showing of a "modern" artist that is smack in the middle of almost every exhibit. Color me stupid but I simply did not get it. ?? I will post the photos soon and you can decide??

We ventured through the lovely palace and then onto the gardens which would I am sure be far more enjoyable in weather that was above "feels like 24 degrees" - my face actually felt a little frozen.. yup - seriously.

Max and Anthony wanted to continue on in the gardens - Frank and the girls and I went to a Starbucks (yes, I still love my starbucks even in France) and sat down and warmed up!

Back to the train we went - oh wait - chaos of some sort has ensued... people getting on and off trains - announcements coming in french that we do not understand... ? Tessa states "I feel like I am in the holocaust being shoved around on trains, can we PLEASE take a taxi???" Only my daughter. (another note to self: stop making Tessa study the holocaust perhaps enough is enough)

We finally got home on a VERY crowded standing room only train where *I* started to feel like a cow being herded as well... a French man who reminded me of Steve Buscemi was talking to himself or me. I never did figure it out - but he was VERY amused with himself and often just started laughing..after a while it became down right creepy. He reached into his front pocket and slowly pulled out..... his wallet. LOL Surely it was a gun I thought.

We did manage to make it to our stop all in one piece - although I was not sure where Anthony and Max where - they keep trying to distance themselves from us (gee - surprise in that? 18 year old boys in Paris - not wanting to "be" with the dorky woman who looks like she is 700 pounds in all her layers, the whiny 11 year old who has blood shot eyes - and Frank who looks like the Michelin tire with his puffy jacket...)- Norte Dame - I sent Frank back to the apartment with Tessa (who I forgot to mention had been up since 2:30 am - yes, that is correct - 2:30 am - love Jetlag NOT) Okay..where was I? Oh yes, so I sent Tessa and Frank back while Julianna and I went to a grocery store. This was more of a store then I had been able to find - and less expensive as well. Picked up pasta to make for dinner - stopped at another market for my fresh roasted chicken and then onto the produce. I think this might be what I have enjoyed the most - shopping at the markets! I love it.

Made dinner and had to wake everyone up - literally. Not good. Very cranky family.

They wake up slowly and painfully - I am determinded to not let Tessa go to bed before 8:00 pm or else the saga will continue.

Frank, Anthony and Max are out for the night. As I shared before I am simply not a go out at night kind of gal. I know B-O-R-I-N-G.

The plan tomorrow is to get the girls up and go to breakfast at the place we stayed at on our last trip here - it has the MOST amazing french toast in the world... (I think so!) and then go to the Louve. Afterwards to hit the Christmas market on the Champs-Elysées which is supposed to be there till 12-28.

We are definitely all enjoying the aspect of slower travel. I like having the apartment to spread out in.

I believe we have decided there is enough to do in Paris - so rather then spend the cash on the train tickets to go far away - to enjoy more right here. We shall how that feels on Monday or Tuesday.

Hope everyone had a merry merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Paris!

It is definately different to be traveling on Christmas day.

The children never did wake up! Frank went to church this morning again and Notre Dame - I caught up with him when the children still did not wake up - and we went to St. Severin - St. Nicolas - the organ was amazing! I will need to remember to post a photo. It was a beautiful morning but getting chiller.

We headed back to the apartment fully expecting to find the kids up - nope. Frank and napped and hung out a little while till we realized we needed to get them up - a very cranky set of girls - who were not happy we did not wake them up to go to Disneyland in Paris. We finally headed out and took the Metro over to the Eiffel tower. It was very crowded in that area. I was not digging it.

The Latin Quarter where we are staying has a nice feel to it - many different resturants, shops etc. The Eiffel tower was purely tourists and now I remembered why I had the wrong notion from our last trip that the French were rude. No, the tourists are rude! Pushing shoving..geeezz...

I do have a funny tip. You get off the main street and there is a long line to get the tickets and go up the tower. I told the family to wait there and I went off to check out what the situation was. There was a much shorter line not too far away? I stopped at information and asked the nice man what the deal was? Why was online so much shorter? Was it different?

His reponse? Classic " Because people are STUPID, they get off the metro and get in que" LOLOLOL.

Alrighty then. I got the family and we waiting not very long to go up the to second floor. It was fun. :) What a treat - Eiffel tower on Paris. It was also C-O-L-D. The wind had picked up and we were chilled. We hung out long enough to take in the view and the sparkling lights! Yeah!

Hungry - we headed back on the metro towards the Latin Quarter. There are a series of streets that I am sure someone out there knows the name of - cobble stone, with Greek Resturants, shops, etc. Breaking plates and everything! We had an amazing Greek meal - wonderful food and service - OPAH! Music...VERY festive!

I will also add that I have read a lot that it is hard to find a resturant or anything open on Christmas in Paris? Not sure where those people have been but there were many choices for food - many - and even some shops open. I was able to go into one of the small stores by the apartment and get some staples. I will say having 6 persons in the apartment we are powering through things - no costco in sight :).

Frank, the girls and I headed back to the apartment. One aspect that I am certainly not French in is that I like to get up early and honestly come back early. Anthony and his friend Max of course stayed out. I told them that no such luck tomorrow for sleeping in...I am going to wake them up and we are going to Versille .

We meet some charming ladies from Charleston - man they were a hoot! All in the fur coats, I thought they were straight out of the old TV show "Designing Women"! But I am every thankful as they said that Bruge was a must do so now the family is starting to bite... although the lovely dames said it was the "Venice of France" - I gently pointed out it was in Belgum - she waved me off with a swosh of her hands... alrighty then! LOL

I hope each of your Christmas was delightful! I it is just 12:00 noon I think in California - so I pray that you have fabulous days!

au revoir for now!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joyeux Noël!

Merry Merry Christmas!

We had a nice dinner in the apartment. It was rather comical - me trying to figure out the stove etc... sigh. I was wishing once again my Mom was here - as she seems to be able to figure these things out. Do we ever reach an age where "Mom" cannot figure it out? I have a feeling not.

Speaking of my Mom, I am a tiny bit morbid this morning missing family at home. Hope the Christmas Day is lovely for my loved ones not here with us. I got a little weepy yesterday missing Ryan. I saw an Apple store and sort of choked up. Silly what can trigger us!

Anyway - back to the trip... we had the fresh pickings from the market and everything was amazing. I swear the carrots taste better here? Is that possible??? A carrot is a carrot?No?

A lovely bottle of French red wine --- a desert that I am not sure what it is called - some sort of a chocolate roll -- they had so many in the display case at the shop - I just said "That one"!

Off we went to the Notre Dame. Okay... I realize it should have been amazing -right? Notre Dame - Christmas Eve? It was a mad house. We all know I abhor crowds... but we got a seat towards the back at 9:20 (yes, I said 9:20 pm - it was crowded already - long lines) We watched what they called the spectacular. Poor Kids, Poor Frank... I confess it was not spectacular. It was a large power point presentation (yes, big screens just like at SVCC LOL!) What WAS spectacular was the fact that we were in the Notre Dame... it is a fabulous building and I was lulled to sleep by the french words..Tessa, Anthony, Max and I all doozed...sorry. :) Wish I could report different but just keeping it real!

The crowds continued to pour in... sort of pushy - lots of tour buses I think???

The spectacular ended at 11:00 pm and we decided to move out - if it had just been Frank and I we would have stayed but I felt the kids might be passed out cold by that time and so might my bottom! (it was numb from sitting in the chairs with Tessa leaning on me!)

Out into the night we ventured - hot wine for Frank and I (do you see a trend??) and hot chocolate from the street for the not so little ones...

Around midnight I called it a night - with the girls and encouraged Frank and the "boys" to hang out longer if they wanted...but Frank headed back with us and we let the guys out on the streets...oh my. They got home later - I heard them come in..not sure what time??

I have stocking for this morning - I have not heard a noise from the children yet - but did hear them all rustling through out the night..

Speaking of - we are still sort of jet lagged. I know I woke up several times through out the night and so did Frank. Could be the city noise, the apartment has all old wood flooring and if anyone gets up of course I hear it.

Not sure what the day will bring - we have talked about heading out to Disneyland Paris - I really do not want to - we all know that I actually love Disneyland but have not been too keen on spending the time and the money to go HERE when it is 20 minutes from my house in the states..but alas - the girls are dying to go. I am not going to wake them for a while - so we shall see.

I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior Christ!


Afternoon December 24

It seems like a very long day today - good but hard to believe it is only 4:20 here... Frank, Julianna and I went out for a while - we never did find a Christmas market :(.

We strolled to the Notre Dame and kept walking over to the ice skating rink - while Anthony, Tessa and Max continuing SLEEPING... hot wine, a sandwich and strolling about...

Now Frank is sleeping and the rest of the natives are getting restless...

Dinner in tonight - whole chickens and fresh produce :)

10:00 pm at the Notre Dame for some sort of celebration? Sounds good.

The markets!

Good morning! And it is one here.

I fell back to sleep around 3:30 or so and slept till around 9:45 am - all is well - headed out to get something for "provisions" for the next few days. Oh what fun!

Tessa and Anthony were already out and having breakfast - the rest of the crew was sleeping soundly. I enjoyed the crisp (see: cold) morning air and the feeling on the streets. As I explored around I was delighted to find fresh markets already booming... I saw a long line coming out of a bakery and knew that was the place to get my breads. I was certainly intimadated in the line with all the Parisians to say the least. I stumbled slightly forward knowing my one or two french phrases "do you speak english" being one! I realize that it is a small delight but I confess to be thrilled with just walking about and picking up a few things here and there in all the shops.

I realized that there was no way that I was going to be able to get all I needed and carry it back myself - so I got enough for breakfast and headed back to the apartment.

There is a code in order to get to in the door of the apartment..well - I kept putting it in to no avail - Tessa and Anthony fortunately strolled up the street and told me I was at the wrong door. Oppsss... I wonder how long that would have taken me to figure out!

Frank and I headed back out - this time with my large tote - NOW I was a real Parisian. Of course I was thrilled as people mistook me in my black slack, sweater and coat for being French :).

Wine is amazing here adn such a fabulous price! I have to say to my Saddleback Staff that might be reading my blog I have never been so thrilled NOT to be on Staff .

Whole chickens, cheese, wine, bread, fruit, sausage... we are set for a few days :).

Now... the issue is that we came back to a sleeping let them sleep or not? I think I shall for a while - we are wanting to go to midnight mass this evening so it is most likely a good idea!
Joyeux Noël my friends and family!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We are here!!!

Well here we are :) We made it! All six of us (including Anthony's friend Max)... It is 3:15 am and I should really be sleeping but thought I would update first.

We got through LAX no issues at all - were assigned our seats (as some of you know we had NO seats thank you Orbtiz) I was very concerned about our tickets as there had been also been ongoing issues - nothing - no problems!

We saw Collin Farrel at the airport and the kids thought that was oh too cool.

AirFrance was fabulous - two meals - all the movies you can watch - We slept on and off through most of the flight. Even Tessa who hates to fly and does not sleep on planes - Tylenol PM and she was OUT.

Upon arrival in this beautiful city we cruised through customs, and got our bags - caught up with Max no real issues. He had a much longer day then us going from LAX to JFK to LHR to Paris. The drive to our apartment took longer then I recalled from our last visit here - lots of traffic - we landed at 5:15 and did not get to our apartment till around 8:00 pm or so.

Quick (as if anything with 6 people can be quick?) unpacking and off to explore. The weather was fabulous last night - clear and cool. Could not be nicer! Hope it stays like that but I imagine that might be too much to ask for :).

Strolled the streets and found a lovely corner cafe - it was yummy! The best part? The wine! Oh my - a carafe of wine for around 15.00 dollars? Love that!!

Then off for crepes from the street! Nuttella and bananas..not sure that is fair!

Everyone has been so helpful, charming and kind.

A fine start to our holiday!

Now..I should get off to try to sleep. Tomorrow morning is Christmas Eve here - we are going to the Christmas markets and then the Notre Damn which is within walking distance from our apartment.

Merry Christmas to all!

Frank, Dawn and all the kids!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

oh boy... leaving tomorrow...

Well folks - it has been a while since I wrote. Off we go to Paris tomorrow!

I have my normal pre-trip anxiety setting in - I am packed (pretty much) Insisted the family pack already as well.

Shooting Star Limo is picking us up and off we go to LAX - we are getting there early was we have a seat situation on Airfrance (see: have only middle seats) ...

I am wondering what this wild weather all over the country will do to our flights if anything.

We are flying direct into Paris - from Lax - we arrive on December 23 at 5:30 pm.

We are meeting Anthony's friend Max at the airport in Paris. His flight is on AA and is going from LAX to Chicago (do we have a GROAN???) Chicago to LHR then onto Paris...:)

Off to our apartment for 10 fabulous nights!

I will update during the trip - Frank has his laptop!!

Merry Christmas to all!!