Sunday, October 19, 2008

Washington DC and tired...

We had an amazing time in Williamsburg. Well, at least I did. I think over all Tessa is done. She has mentioned wanting to go home a few times, her foot is bothering her a little and I am on her last nerve. Good thing we did not do 5 weeks in Europe.

The Inn at Williamburg lived up to it's reputation. It is a beautiful property. The weather was great and I loved all the history. I would love to go back..sans my daughter. :-)

Sat am we headed out to DC in our rental car.

Okay - seems easy enough eh?

It took us 2 hours in DC to return the car due to being lost and unable to find the rental car return at Union Station. If you are ever renting a car here or returning it here - email me for details - not good.

We missed our "time" that I had reserved to the Washington Monument and came to the hotel.

The Westin is very nice. A smaller property - in the foggy Bottom area of DC. I selected this property only because it is 60.00 a night plus points. I would choose to stay in a slightly different location if not tied to points.

We walked to dinner which was yummy and hit the sack early.

Today we went to the Holocaust museum and the Spy museum. I think it sounds odd to say that I loved the Holocaust museum but I did. I have had a facination with the holocaust and what went on. It is mind boggling and baffling to me. I wept and was and am overwhelmed with saddness and honestly confusion. That stays with me. May we never forget.

Off to the spy musuem. Tessa loved it!

Tessa can only take so much walking and so many museums. So back to the hotel we came and are just chillling out before we have some dinner.

One thing, Frank's Uncle Mike passed away yesterday, so that has saddened our trip.

Love to all,
Dawn and Tessa


Janet said...
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Our Tribe said...

Hey Girl.
I am hanging on your every word!
I love hearing the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Keep it coming!

Hang in there... even if Tess isn't having the BEST time, she will have awesome memories that will last forever
You are a great Mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn's Travels said...

I needed to hear that.. I am cranky and ready to come home! I have a TON of tips for you when you come here!!! I LOVE DC!