Sunday, October 12, 2008

Off we go again...

Well it is Sunday afternoon and I should be packing :-) But wanted to check in as I am not sure how much computer access I am going to have over the next few days.

We had a blast all weekend. It warmed my heart to see my little nieces yesterday and to see Tessa hanging out playing with them all day.

Frank's family is so warm and gracious. We spent the day with Angela, and her daughter Domenica - who I realized I have not seen since Frank's Mom passed away a number of years ago. Joy, Frank's stepmom, Domenica, and her two girls, Frankie and Anna Rose - and of course Micheal, Theresa, Sophia, Peter was even here from Philly and Michelle. It was a great family day full of good food, laughter and relaxing. So glad to have been here.

Today Tessa and I are headed to Lancaster - I have never been (at least that I remember) The weather is beyond perfect - not a cloud in the sky in the mid 70's. Wow. :-)

We are staying at a B&B which will be something different for Tessa as generally we stay at properties where we get "points" or are using points for free stays so even for me it is a treat. (not that staying for free is not a GREAT treat!)

Hope everyone is having a peaceful weekend.

Lots of Love,
Dawn & Tessa

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