Friday, November 14, 2008


I just sort of stopped writing. We had a change of plans for the last few days of our trip due to the death in Frank's family. I ended up leaving DC and driving back to New York to attend the funeral and Tessa fly home solo.

Now that we have been home for a few weeks.... and the memories are all good of the trip. :-)

I would say over all that I loved DC the most and would love to go back at some point and enjoy the museums at a pace that I want rather then an eleven year old.

I know that Tessa will be headed back to school in the traditional setting soon and that makes the time that we have spent together even sweeter. It has been bumpy - I would not say I am cut out to be a homeschool Mom. I have a lot of respect for those that can do this and do it well. I think I am basically not wired up for it - but know that through God I have been able to work through the challenges and the hard times - not always gracioiusly! LOL

Our next trip is to Paris in December - I will be sure to write about it. It is for the whole family so I might have to change the name of the blog :-)

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