Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting stressed!!!

Okay.. I have shared and many know - for someone who loves to travel and if I am not planning a trip, on a trip, or thinking about trip it is like the Jordan Sparks song Tessa loves so much...

"Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no airCan't live, can't breathe with no air" ...

Just ask Frank... I make him slightly insane with my trips! BUT (there is almost always a but) I am actually a very nervous/anxious traveler. About two years ago a friend recommended I take Xanax to fly so that has helped a lot. Having said that - I am going sans drugs on this trip as flying solo with Tessa and do not want to take drugs. We shall see.

The trip preparation has been less then what I would normally do. I was planning a very long extensive very expensive trip to Europe with Tessa and it was canceled about 5 weeks or so ago due to finances, my anxiety, finances..oh and did I mention my anxiety? LOL

We ARE going to Paris at Christmas before you even start to feel an once of pity for me ;0)

Most of our current trip is being "paid" for with hotel reward points and miles.

We are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn in TimeSquare on Hilton points, opppsss, I forgot, flying on Delta miles, Marriott in Philly is on points, Westin in DC is on points/cash (60.00 a night), None of these hotels would be my "first" choice.

In NYC I do not care for staying in Time Square, I find it to be crowded, loud, garnish, and over-load on my senses... but with the cost of hotels in the city currently - well, I will take it!

I wanted to stay by Rittenhouse Square in Philly - as it is gets high rates and seems to be the best location.

In DC - I was unsure but at 60.00 a night I am not going to turn it away.

I do check out trip advisor prior to booking any hotels as well as travel message boards such as Fodors for personal feedback.

I use Fordor travel guides always - and have yet to be let down.

For Europe I like Rick Steves but find he is slightly below my level of comfort. No offense meant Rick ;-).

In Orange County I must give a shout out to Shooting Star Limo service. Frank and I have been using them since he was with Onyx - and their service is amazing and Jan has never let us down. 714-484-7115. They are picking Tessa and I up tomorrow. We have to fly out of LAX but the plus is I used miles to upgrade us to first class - which on this flight is actually a businses class level. So..the extra time at LAX will be worth it if all goes as planned!

We are planning on doing carry on only for this trip. Mainly because I have to be able to handle our bags without my big strong man around ;-). When we went to Europe we really were over packed and heavy laden! I recently purchased two new suitcases off of upon the suggestion of a travel board. Heys Xcase 20-inch Carry-on - they were a good price on Overstock and I got one for both Tessa and I. They weigh less then 5 pounds each unpacked. The ones I currently owned were almost 12 pounds unpacked. Big difference.

Okay... back to the stress... too much to do today and frankly not enough time...

So that is it for now,

~ Dawn


Our Tribe said...

Can't wait to hear you arrived safely.

Michele said...

I wonder what it is about travel that does that to us? It must be control and fear of course... jack and i are leaving today for hawaii.. and it tugs at me for sure. jack can hardly breathe!