Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day Two in Philly

Where to start -

Last night was nice - we hung out at the hotel - went swimming and enjoyed the steam room and sauna. It was nice to do some laps and Tessa enjoyed her first time in a steam and sauna.

Some comments on the hotel. It is a good property - a little tired but it would be a great business hotel and depending on the rate a good place to bring the family. It was nice last night to decompress by swimming. They also do have a laundry area that we were able to do some basics in. The restaurant which we ate in last night was very good. Service has been excellent. There are several chain restaurants surrounding the property - Maggionos,Melting Pot, Chili's and Hard Rock.

It continues to be very warm. I believe it was about 80 degrees today.

We headed out this morning and I had to take Tessa to get a "real" Philly cheese steak. So off to Geno's we went. She was 100% unimpressed at best. LOL

Off to the Art Museum. We do NOT "do" museums well together at all. I like to really take my time and reading everything - she is whizzing through - pulling at my arm. Annoying at best I confess (most likely to us both!).

After about an hour or so (I could have spent the day there) we went back to Independence Hall area - I wanted to go to the Constitution Hall. (I think that was the name??) - FABULOUS. Great show to start with. I am so moved by our country and freedom in general - it was a great place. Tessa actually also really enjoyed it and I saw her really getting into it.

They currently have an exhibition on the 2008 election that we also spent a good deal of time in. I recommend it highly if you are in the area.

That is about it... we do not have the proper clothing for this weather - so I truly hope it cools off soon!!

~ Dawn & Tessa


Michele said...

I should've told you where to go in philly... DEFINITELY better steaks at Jim's on Southstreet. and there are some incredibly new cool restaraunts and shops in Philly. Kristi and the kids probably would've met you too if you wanted company! Or Amber and Kim even!

Dawn's Travels said...

I should have had you had me give them a call. I knew I could not get over to them but I did not think about them coming to us. We could have done one less day in Philly over all and added a day to Williamsburg. I am tried - it is sunday - we leave on Wed and I am ready to come home.