Wednesday, October 15, 2008

oh boy...this I LOVE

Okay... out of Philly - bye bye... cannot say that I am sorry to leave. We had a LONG train ride today which I will share more about another time but had had had to post on the Williamsburg Inn... I should have taken a day off Philly and added it here... I want to come back with Frank. I LOVE this place...

Promise to write more but this is FABULOUS.


Brenna said...

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself! And getting the hang of this whole blogging thing might I add. :-) Dakota Bella sends her love. We miss you lots and I KNOW Frank does. I think he's been lonely so he asked us all to dinner. :-) Can't wait to see pictures when you get back!!
<3 B

Michele said...

I'm heading off to Hawaii but can't wait to read about the rest of your trip when i get back!

Dawn's Travels said...

I miss you and Dakota SOOO bad B!!! I miss my hubby too. I am very ready to come home.... too long to be away...