Sunday, October 19, 2008

Washington DC and tired...

We had an amazing time in Williamsburg. Well, at least I did. I think over all Tessa is done. She has mentioned wanting to go home a few times, her foot is bothering her a little and I am on her last nerve. Good thing we did not do 5 weeks in Europe.

The Inn at Williamburg lived up to it's reputation. It is a beautiful property. The weather was great and I loved all the history. I would love to go back..sans my daughter. :-)

Sat am we headed out to DC in our rental car.

Okay - seems easy enough eh?

It took us 2 hours in DC to return the car due to being lost and unable to find the rental car return at Union Station. If you are ever renting a car here or returning it here - email me for details - not good.

We missed our "time" that I had reserved to the Washington Monument and came to the hotel.

The Westin is very nice. A smaller property - in the foggy Bottom area of DC. I selected this property only because it is 60.00 a night plus points. I would choose to stay in a slightly different location if not tied to points.

We walked to dinner which was yummy and hit the sack early.

Today we went to the Holocaust museum and the Spy museum. I think it sounds odd to say that I loved the Holocaust museum but I did. I have had a facination with the holocaust and what went on. It is mind boggling and baffling to me. I wept and was and am overwhelmed with saddness and honestly confusion. That stays with me. May we never forget.

Off to the spy musuem. Tessa loved it!

Tessa can only take so much walking and so many museums. So back to the hotel we came and are just chillling out before we have some dinner.

One thing, Frank's Uncle Mike passed away yesterday, so that has saddened our trip.

Love to all,
Dawn and Tessa

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

oh boy...this I LOVE

Okay... out of Philly - bye bye... cannot say that I am sorry to leave. We had a LONG train ride today which I will share more about another time but had had had to post on the Williamsburg Inn... I should have taken a day off Philly and added it here... I want to come back with Frank. I LOVE this place...

Promise to write more but this is FABULOUS.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day Two in Philly

Where to start -

Last night was nice - we hung out at the hotel - went swimming and enjoyed the steam room and sauna. It was nice to do some laps and Tessa enjoyed her first time in a steam and sauna.

Some comments on the hotel. It is a good property - a little tired but it would be a great business hotel and depending on the rate a good place to bring the family. It was nice last night to decompress by swimming. They also do have a laundry area that we were able to do some basics in. The restaurant which we ate in last night was very good. Service has been excellent. There are several chain restaurants surrounding the property - Maggionos,Melting Pot, Chili's and Hard Rock.

It continues to be very warm. I believe it was about 80 degrees today.

We headed out this morning and I had to take Tessa to get a "real" Philly cheese steak. So off to Geno's we went. She was 100% unimpressed at best. LOL

Off to the Art Museum. We do NOT "do" museums well together at all. I like to really take my time and reading everything - she is whizzing through - pulling at my arm. Annoying at best I confess (most likely to us both!).

After about an hour or so (I could have spent the day there) we went back to Independence Hall area - I wanted to go to the Constitution Hall. (I think that was the name??) - FABULOUS. Great show to start with. I am so moved by our country and freedom in general - it was a great place. Tessa actually also really enjoyed it and I saw her really getting into it.

They currently have an exhibition on the 2008 election that we also spent a good deal of time in. I recommend it highly if you are in the area.

That is about it... we do not have the proper clothing for this weather - so I truly hope it cools off soon!!

~ Dawn & Tessa

Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay..not everything works out liked you plan...

Okay... well - yesterday afternoon I was pretty excited to hit the road and get to Lancaster and our quaint B & B... we had a seamless drive out to Lancaster - Sooo pretty with all the colors changing with the leaves..not a cloud in the sky...

But it was not as I was definitely a run down poorer feeling city. We found our B & B- it was ummm..well, about a block away from a full security PRISON., I am not kidding. Full on barbed wire ..and a very interesting crowd for visiting hours.. Toto we are NOT in Kanas anymore...and frankly we are not in Lancaster anymore either!

That's right - we drove around for about 15 minutes and I made an executive decision to drive to Philly. I did not feel safe staying in the B & B with Tessa. We had a small cottage on the back of the B & B and I know I would have been up all night. As we headed out on route 30 I saw the quaint area that I THOUGHT we were staying in. Yes, I did research, Yes, I looked up the B & B on trip advisor and read about it in guide books. Strange. we went to Philly. We did see Amish people as we drove on Route 30 - in their horse and buggies. Oh well. Not all trips are perfect!

We managed to check into the Marriot downtown Philly. I had actually read iffy things on this hotel but I was using points for two of the nights so it was going to be fine. I was more then pleasantly surprised. It is a lovely property and seems to be in a decent area.

We checked in no issues (I was stressed as it is VERY busy) - had a nice dinner at the Melting Pot at Tessa's request and were in for the night.

I had to return our car this morning so headed out to do that early.

Off we went to Independence Hall. We saw the Liberty Bell and the area where the declaration of Independence was signed and the Constitution was ratified. I was very interested (I believe more so then Tessa) as having watched much of the recent John Adams as well as the significance that the Liberty Bell has represented over the years...

This afternoon we walked around a bit and then had "tea" at the Four Seasons - what a treat! It was lovely. There is an old Church - St. Peters right across the way and I have a thing for old Churches and drug Tessa in there. She said to me "Mom, didn't we ALREADY SEE St. Peters"... well, she meant St. Peters IN Rome. I think she definitely has traveled for an eleven year old :-).

I have to say over all Philadelphia has a strange vibe to it. People say New Yorkers are not friendly - well, that has not been my experience. I will say that over all people here seem very depressed and there are many homeless and very down and out people. It is slightly depressing. Very angry people walking around.... I am smiling and realize people are looking at me like I have a third eye.

The weather has been VERY warm! I think it is warmer here then in Southern California right now. So much for the Pea-coats we brought!

I did go to Macy's... It is the old Wanamakers building where I know I was at as a child... funny time warp.

Not sure what the morning will bring. We are here till Wed. in the morning.

Again - hope everyone is doing well.

Lots of love,
Dawn & Tessa

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Off we go again...

Well it is Sunday afternoon and I should be packing :-) But wanted to check in as I am not sure how much computer access I am going to have over the next few days.

We had a blast all weekend. It warmed my heart to see my little nieces yesterday and to see Tessa hanging out playing with them all day.

Frank's family is so warm and gracious. We spent the day with Angela, and her daughter Domenica - who I realized I have not seen since Frank's Mom passed away a number of years ago. Joy, Frank's stepmom, Domenica, and her two girls, Frankie and Anna Rose - and of course Micheal, Theresa, Sophia, Peter was even here from Philly and Michelle. It was a great family day full of good food, laughter and relaxing. So glad to have been here.

Today Tessa and I are headed to Lancaster - I have never been (at least that I remember) The weather is beyond perfect - not a cloud in the sky in the mid 70's. Wow. :-)

We are staying at a B&B which will be something different for Tessa as generally we stay at properties where we get "points" or are using points for free stays so even for me it is a treat. (not that staying for free is not a GREAT treat!)

Hope everyone is having a peaceful weekend.

Lots of Love,
Dawn & Tessa

Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay - I am not sure that there is a better time to be in New York City then October.

Our time in New York was really amazing.

Wed morning we headed over by subway to the Natural History Museum. It was great- glorious weather - very easy to find via the subway. We spent a few hours there (you could easily do four hours but we only had about two hours) - grabbed a hot pretzel and hot dog off the street and we were off to see Legally Blonde.

I had purchased tickets about six weeks ago - we had very good seats. One should know I am a lover of theater... all aspects of it - so I was very excited. I will say that the show was "okay". I am happy we went but would not recommend to someone who has not seen a ton of plays (It is coming to Orange County and I would not spend $$$ on it) - We both felt it was "okay". Paulette and her UPS guy (for those that know the film) stole the show - and that was really the extent of it.

We headed off to Tavern on the Green via a "pedi-cab" - it was a fabulous evening - just a perfect fall night - we strolled around the grounds a little prior to our seating - it was very um... fancy :-). Tessa and I had a lovely little table right on the window and I was excited for the sun to set and the twinkle lights to go on... the food was definitely mediocre. Again, I do not feel I would recommend it but having said that - I am very glad we went.

After dinner we took a fabulous carriage right through Central park. It was dreamy :-).

We got a car to bring us back to the hotel as I was very tired and not up for figuring out the subway at 8:30 pm and getting lost in NYC with my eleven year old daughter.

Thursday - we were up around 9:00 am and off for an adventure by 10:00...going to see family on Staten Island.

We left no mode of public transportation left unturned. We took the subway to the Staten Island Ferry and took that to Staten Island and then took the Staten Island Train over to where our family picked us up for a really sweet afternoon. It did take a lot longer then I had planned (two hours!). We decided to take the bus back into the city and left around 3:30 - we just got back by 5:30 to our room. It was a very long day of four hours of transportation but well worth it to see our family.

Tonight was Hairspray!!! We unfortunately missed our dinner reservations at 5:00 and grabbed a bit closer to the theater for our 7:00 pm show.What fun we had!

I definitely 100% recommend this show to all - Tessa and I had a blast - very talented cast and crew!

Tessa wanted to wait by the stage door after the show and it was really cute to watch her interact with the cast - getting autographs and pictures. I will share the pictures when I can upload them.

We headed off for our last night in the city and went to Ellen's Stardust Diner - a place where aspiring Broadway actors/actresses wait tables and sing while they do! Tessa had a milk shake and I enjoyed a glass of wine.

Back to the room by around and played cards and giggled and were finally sleeping by 1:00 am :-).

This morning it was another mass transit day - cab to Penn station - figuring out how to get to Newark to pick up our rental car (I did not want to drive in the city and the drop rate was around 150.00 LESS to pick up in Newark then in Manhattan as we are returning the car in Philly on Monday)...

It was a long morning of trains and lugging bags but we were in our rental car by around 1:00 pm ... and on the 78 west heading to Theresa's house.

We went to her store and grabbed a bit - it feels great being here.

We were in New York in August and Tessa did NOT care for it..she had a much different experience this time around :-).

A few notes:

The hotel was good - remember we were there on points - I think I might not have been happy if I was paying rack rate. I did like the location - it was great for being there for shows. It was OUT of Time Square (I have stayed at the Marriott RIGHT in TimeSquare and it is overload for me - I prefer uptown to Timesquare area but for those seeing shows it is a good location). Note: If you DO stay there please ask for a high floor. We were on the 3rd floor and at times I heard the subway in the middle of the night running under us. Higher up it should not have been an issue.

We are here till Sunday when we head over to Lancaster/Amish Country.

Hope all is well at home!

Dawn & Tessa

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We are here!

100 degrees in California one day and wake up the next day with busy streets, a LOT of people and a cool 55 degrees! Nice.

We had a smooth flight - no traffic getting to LAX - check in smooth as we did not check bags - no line in security. Waited in the Delta Crown Room in LAX - was okay. Nothing to write home to Mom about. Tessa commented that the "club" in Santiago Chile was "much" nicer...pondering exactly how much daughter has indeed traveled at that moment.

We were in First Class - so it was smooth sailing. It was a business class configuration. I will add that if I had been traveling on a transatlantic flight I might have been irked with the seats. They were not new and did not recline much etc. Having said that - it was NOT a transatlantic flight so Tessa and I were quite pleased. :-)

We watched movies the entire way - and a little of the debate.

Our car service picked us up at JFK and wisked us to the City. That my friends is always an interesting experience. The car for those interested is 5.00 more then a cab. Cab fare is regulated in NYC from the airports into Manhattan and is 45.00 - we paid 50.00.

Hotel is good. Very friendly staff(who said NYC people are not friendly???) We are at the Hilton Garden Inn on points. Three nights free - which is great because Oct is a very expensive month in the city (when isn't???) Average rooms were around 400.00 a night.

There is free starbucks coffee in the lobby, free internt and a 24 "store".

Today we are seeing Legally Blonde at 2:00 and then have dinner reservations at Tavern on the Green. I have heard nothing but poor reviews on Tavern but thought it would be special to "go" there once...the twinkling lights and carriage ride pulled me in.

I will let you know!

Happy Travels and lots of love!

Dawn & Tessa

Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting stressed!!!

Okay.. I have shared and many know - for someone who loves to travel and if I am not planning a trip, on a trip, or thinking about trip it is like the Jordan Sparks song Tessa loves so much...

"Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no airCan't live, can't breathe with no air" ...

Just ask Frank... I make him slightly insane with my trips! BUT (there is almost always a but) I am actually a very nervous/anxious traveler. About two years ago a friend recommended I take Xanax to fly so that has helped a lot. Having said that - I am going sans drugs on this trip as flying solo with Tessa and do not want to take drugs. We shall see.

The trip preparation has been less then what I would normally do. I was planning a very long extensive very expensive trip to Europe with Tessa and it was canceled about 5 weeks or so ago due to finances, my anxiety, finances..oh and did I mention my anxiety? LOL

We ARE going to Paris at Christmas before you even start to feel an once of pity for me ;0)

Most of our current trip is being "paid" for with hotel reward points and miles.

We are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn in TimeSquare on Hilton points, opppsss, I forgot, flying on Delta miles, Marriott in Philly is on points, Westin in DC is on points/cash (60.00 a night), None of these hotels would be my "first" choice.

In NYC I do not care for staying in Time Square, I find it to be crowded, loud, garnish, and over-load on my senses... but with the cost of hotels in the city currently - well, I will take it!

I wanted to stay by Rittenhouse Square in Philly - as it is gets high rates and seems to be the best location.

In DC - I was unsure but at 60.00 a night I am not going to turn it away.

I do check out trip advisor prior to booking any hotels as well as travel message boards such as Fodors for personal feedback.

I use Fordor travel guides always - and have yet to be let down.

For Europe I like Rick Steves but find he is slightly below my level of comfort. No offense meant Rick ;-).

In Orange County I must give a shout out to Shooting Star Limo service. Frank and I have been using them since he was with Onyx - and their service is amazing and Jan has never let us down. 714-484-7115. They are picking Tessa and I up tomorrow. We have to fly out of LAX but the plus is I used miles to upgrade us to first class - which on this flight is actually a businses class level. So..the extra time at LAX will be worth it if all goes as planned!

We are planning on doing carry on only for this trip. Mainly because I have to be able to handle our bags without my big strong man around ;-). When we went to Europe we really were over packed and heavy laden! I recently purchased two new suitcases off of upon the suggestion of a travel board. Heys Xcase 20-inch Carry-on - they were a good price on Overstock and I got one for both Tessa and I. They weigh less then 5 pounds each unpacked. The ones I currently owned were almost 12 pounds unpacked. Big difference.

Okay... back to the stress... too much to do today and frankly not enough time...

So that is it for now,

~ Dawn

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday... two days before we leave

Well - we are getting ready to leave on Tuesday for our two week trip back east.

We are basically packed and attempting to do carry on only. We are moving so much during the two weeks that I need for Tessa to be able to handle her own stuff as much as possible. With my back not in great condition it is also necessary to keep it light.

Here is our plan so far:

Oct 7 Depart LAX - arrive JFK late transportion through Carmines car service to Hilton Garden Inn Time Square

Oct 8 - Legally Blonde 2:00 pm dinner reservations at Tavern on the Green. Want to take a carriage ride to get there in Central Park

Oct 9 - day open - Going to Staten Island to see Aunt Katie and family 5:00 pm dinner reservations at Cafe de Artist 7:00 pm HairSpray

Oct 10 - Leave New York take train to Newark and rent car - drive to Theresa's house

Oct 11 Theresa's house

Oct 12 - head toward to Lancaster - spend day/night in Lancaster

Oct 13 - morning in Lancaster drive to Intercourse and over to Philly check into Marriott and drop off rental car rest of day open - have tea reservations at the Four Seasons

Oct 14 - Independence Hall 10:00 am reservations - 5:00 pm dinner with friends in Philly

Oct 15 - train from Philly to Williamsburg (long train ride)Williamsburg Inn - Ghosts tour that night

Oct 16 day in Williamsburg - train to Richmond - Janet picking me up at train station

Oct 17 - spend day in Richmond with Janet

Oct 18 early train to DC - Washington monument at 2:30 pm

Oct 19 - holocaust museum

Oct 20 - Libary of Congress Tour - - arranged through our wonderful Congress person's office - 8:30 am

Oct 21 - White House Tour! Again arranged through our Congress person. Personal Capital Tour to follow - And a tour of the Kennedy Center - - A busy day on Tuesday!

Oct - 22 head home to Orange County!!!