Sunday, November 8, 2009



Well... as I predicted I did not blog while we were away after the first morning. There is something about Hawaii which discouraged computer usage (that and the fact that the wireless was very slow at the Marriott ha!).

I will do a trip report at some point - I will say that while I am usually ready to come home there is something about Hawaii which always leaves me ready to stay and experience more. I remember feeling that way when we were in Kauai in 05. I hope it does not take 4 years to get back to paradise but I am so thankful for our time away. Every couple should try somehow to get away - I felt like I was on my honeymoon all over again....

Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy. It is also used to say hello and goodbye...soooo


Monday, November 2, 2009

Maybe not as exciting as the Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris....

.... but so what it is perfect right now...

I realized a few things yesterday as we started on our journey to paradise..

1. A blog about doing nothing all week most likely will not be very interesting to follow

2. I miss my kids when I travel without them a lot... the saying is true that when you have children it is like having your heart outside of your body. i thought of Tessa as we entered the Delta "Crown room" as the last time I was there in LAX was last fall when she and I ventured on our homeschooling adventure back east - and felt that pang in my heart about leaving the kids.

3. And lastly if I use miles to upgrade to first class there will be a screaming - I mean screaming one year old who is in first class as well. Doomed.

So thus began our trip -

Uneventful morning of hurrying up to get to the airport, of picking the wrong line to go through in security, of doing what I call "yoga" breathing to try to understand WHY I cared that I picked the wrong line in security? I had plenty of time and yet i permitted it to really bug me to the point where I have to laugh at myself.

Other then the screaming child - traveling first class is another experience in and of itself in order to enjoy flying sigh - one time Tessa was around 8 or so and we went to Oklahoma to see my parents and had a chance to get bumped - and take the flight the next day and fly first class - so I grabbed it - Tessa said as we sat in our cozy large leather seats "I feel so SORRY for the people back there" ha - yes, indeed - it is a luxury!

Arrived in Oahu and that peace that seems to permeate spread through me... until we could not find the rental car desk ... until we did find it and we were packed like sardines on the Thrifty rental car shuttle... yoga breath.. yoga breath... luggage tossed every place... in my yoga breath I realized I wanted to be the first person OFF this shuttle as the line would be mighty long - "Frank you get the luggage and I will get in line' Good move- first in line. I have a deep issue with waiting - perhaps I will explore that...but not now.

No convertible for us this week - wanted sun protection - thankful that my husband who is a lover of convertibles did not even make a face - just said "of course". Open the door - and what do I see...? BUGS? oh yes, two little roaches of some kind. Takes me back to our family vacation on Oahu - we had a rental van and low and behold there were roaches living in the car - I am so phobic and know if I *see two... how many more are there?? How long is the wait for another car and will another car be sans my little friends on this island full of humidity? sigh. No purses to set on the floor - Frank saying "My poor wife" as I am sitting in the passenger seat thinking "oh Lordie don't crawl on me"

Find the Ko' Lina Marriott time share with little issue - it is about 20 minutes or so from the airport. Ride to the property reminds me a bit of the 241 after a fire - nothing special to look at - cruising along...

We arrive and get checked into our villa - the service was outstanding - took our keys parked the car (travel note: for timeshare owners who swap in here the parking is free or 5.00 a day for in and out valet service) - brought up our bags - all is well.

We stopped upon my insistance to pick up our "welcome" packet which has a discount card in it for a few things - and they offered us a few different "free" things to have a 90 minute presentation with the Marriott - we said yes as we usually do. I am a point junky of sorts and the 10,000 points roped me in but we opted for the free Hawaiin Luau even though we said we were not going to do one this time - well it was 75.00 a person so for us for 150.00 it is worth the 90 minutes -

Well... the sun is rising and my sweet husband is up... so I will continue our adventure another time..

thanks for hangin' with me...


Saturday, October 31, 2009


We are leaving the morning - this time it is not Dawn and family travels - but Dawn and Frankie travel :)

I did not think that we would have a chance in the near future to get away alone - so what a joyful surprise when back in July this trip came together.

Time share Swap - Ko' Lina Marriott - 6 nights - check

Air miles - check -

flying in the front of the plane folks on miles - check (nice!)

Dear Dear family coming to watch Tessa - check

Week off from school - check

Off we go...

As usual I am a bundle of nerves prior to leaving and small things that might go wrong are - but nothing major... seems like to me - nothing much is major these days anyays...

wow... 6 warm, wonderful, magical nights on an Island that seems to promote peace and tranquility calling our name..

Here we come - off in the morning.

How cool to have to get up at 5:00 am for a 8:55 am flight to only find that it is day lights savings time and we get to "fall" back :-D waahhhhoooooooooooo - I will take that extra hour of sleep.

Here we go again... been awhile - it is time. :)


Monday, May 18, 2009

Family update

I realize I never update this blog... so I thought I would share a few things going on. Julianna had an amazing trip to Kenya and fell in love with Africa and the people there. She said she left a part of her heart there... She is anxious to go back at some point. (see: soon would be better for her!)

She is going on another trip with our HSM (high school group) at the end of June. This time she is venturing to Domenica Republic. I believe there are about 40 or so people total going - most of them high school students. They will be staying in the city for the most part from what I understand. Her Dad and I are in awe of the young woman she continues to become!

She has enjoyed Mission Viejo High School and just found out she made the Song team! She is super excited and looking forward to starting on that "journey" as well.

As far as the family goes - no "real" travel planned. I am in nursing school f/t so that sort of puts a damper on the ole travel budget AND time. Bummer right? Well, I am sure the hard work will pay off! :) We are planning a trip (well, I am planning a trip!) in July of 2012 after I graduate to the coast of Italy. Helps me to have something to look forward to.

Tessa loves her new school - she is doing well and looking forward to the big Jr. High Years! Oh baby! I am excited to see her grow; but alas she is my baby and I am in awe of all of the "lasts" (last time in elementary school...and the like)...

She is doing great in tennis! Moving up to another level she continues to show the same growth and dedication she did in cheer. We are very proud of her.

Love to all,

Saturday, February 7, 2009


A while back I shared that Julianna was leaving for Kenya - hard to believe that she is THERE. I wish I could update that I knew everything she was doing..but alas I do not. I only know she arrived and is safe and it taking a ton of photos - thanks to Allison Hibbard and Facebook! :)

I am so proud and in awe of her getting on that plane and traveling all those hours to follow her heart. I will be sure to update when she gets home and share some of her photos. Maybe even have her do the blog! :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Details for my travel friends

Thought I would share some specific details for my travel friends that like the nitty gritty! :)

AirFrance was wonderful. I have only flown American Airlines and Airfrance on international flights and the difference is worth noting. I was very impressed with Aifrance. Free flowing wine, a lot of food, many snacks, tvs with every seat (this was of course in coach, with all the movies you can watch), great service over all. I highly recommend them. I know that many of you, like myself travel on miles - and American Express transfers into Delta miles and you can use them for Airfrance flights.

Our apartment was in the Latin Quarter, at 16 Rue des Ecoles. It was rented through VBRO #112368. It is a "real" 3 bedroom, but would not be a great for 3 couples. It would good for a family -
location - we loved the left bank and the location so close to St. Germain and to the Notre Dame and several Metros was fabulous.
Rental Agency - Stacey was great - easy to work with using Paypal from the states to pay
Size - good size for the location and the price
Elevator - there is an elevator (small of course) if you want to avoid the stairs
Washer/dryer for small items

The wood floors made a LOT of noise and you could hear everything. Limited amount of privacy due to this.

The caregiver that Stacey works with was difficult - example - he told me I had to be out on Jan. 2 by 8:00 am because there was another family arriving at 11:45 am.

I pushed back and said "No, that was unreasonable" and he said okay 9:00 am. In the meantime, Stacey emailed me and asked if we would not mind being out by 10:00 am - I told her that was great and shared the conversation with Henry.

Henry still proceeded to show up at 9:00 am - even though he had received and replied to an email from Stacey. He was actually rude to me.

Food - We did not have any fabulous dining experiences like many who go to Paris. Due to the high number of people with us - we ate in bistros and cafes and less expensive places. We had a great meal at the Rose de Sommerland. It was a small Chinese place on Sommerland that was recommended off the Fodors board. It was excellent. We often ate in and enjoyed that as well.

Metro - GREAT! I do not think we ever fully figured out how to make the most of it cost wise - there are less expensive passes etc.

Museums - PLEASE get a Museum pass! You will quickly forget the extra cost as you breeze past the que lines - seriously - I cannot over state this. Even though many would be free for the children, we purchased the pass and I have not one moment of regret. We did the four day pass and used it every one of those 4 days. It was a little tricky with the holidays falling during our stay.

Weather - it was cold. Period. I did not bring long underwear for myself and should have. So should have Frank. Frank has said he would not go back when it is as cold as it was. I would. There was something special about it...cannot put my finger on it. It rained, snowed, the sunshined...

Medical treatment - Tessa as many know, had to go to the Dr. I ended up taking her to the American Hospital in Paris because it was a Sunday night. I think I could have taken her to any hospital in retrospect. They told me they could not treat her in ER because she was under 18? Okay. They ended up with someone there who could see her. There is a number you can call and have a Dr. come to your house - Michael Orsman (amazing tour person) said it is the Magic Dr. :) LOL

I am sure I will think of more but wanted to share that for now.


Okay.. I hope I can catch up on the blog - we are home and the last few days seem a bit of a blur?

On NYE as I posted we went to dinner and then we stayed in (sans Max and Anthony of course). Frank ended up being woken up by a party going on at a neighbors apartment with the count down and came out and sat with me and I got my New Years kiss. It was sweet for him to wake up - he said he felt bad for me bringing the New Year in alone. I did not feel alone. :)

New Years day I was not feeling too great and sent Frank, Anthony, Max, Julianna off to explore while I stayed home with Tessa - who was doing much better but it was bitter cold out in Paris.. They went to Montramare (sp) and Frank loved it! He said it was VERY "Paris" with the hills, the artists etc.

Tessa and I did go out a bit - down by the Notre Dame again as she wanted to get a few more items. I had not seen it as crowded as we did that day. Oh my goodness, many many European Tourists. Wow..

We shopped a little - it was very cold.

For dinner we went to a local Italian place. There was a place on the corner that had been recommended but had been closed the entire holiday. We ended up across the street and the meal were just okay.

Heading back - the guys went to a Canadian pub where they watched the Rose Bowl etc... fun for them! :)

Jan. 2 we were headed home. No issues - the flight home was not painful. Watched about 3 movies (Duchess was great) - slept, ate, and slept some more...

Shooting Star always faithful picked us up and we drove through In and Out LOL - and we were all in bed by 11:30!

Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us. It was a privilege to go and to experience all. I am sure I will have some final thoughts on our experience so be sure to check back. :)