Sunday, November 8, 2009



Well... as I predicted I did not blog while we were away after the first morning. There is something about Hawaii which discouraged computer usage (that and the fact that the wireless was very slow at the Marriott ha!).

I will do a trip report at some point - I will say that while I am usually ready to come home there is something about Hawaii which always leaves me ready to stay and experience more. I remember feeling that way when we were in Kauai in 05. I hope it does not take 4 years to get back to paradise but I am so thankful for our time away. Every couple should try somehow to get away - I felt like I was on my honeymoon all over again....

Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy. It is also used to say hello and goodbye...soooo


Monday, November 2, 2009

Maybe not as exciting as the Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris....

.... but so what it is perfect right now...

I realized a few things yesterday as we started on our journey to paradise..

1. A blog about doing nothing all week most likely will not be very interesting to follow

2. I miss my kids when I travel without them a lot... the saying is true that when you have children it is like having your heart outside of your body. i thought of Tessa as we entered the Delta "Crown room" as the last time I was there in LAX was last fall when she and I ventured on our homeschooling adventure back east - and felt that pang in my heart about leaving the kids.

3. And lastly if I use miles to upgrade to first class there will be a screaming - I mean screaming one year old who is in first class as well. Doomed.

So thus began our trip -

Uneventful morning of hurrying up to get to the airport, of picking the wrong line to go through in security, of doing what I call "yoga" breathing to try to understand WHY I cared that I picked the wrong line in security? I had plenty of time and yet i permitted it to really bug me to the point where I have to laugh at myself.

Other then the screaming child - traveling first class is another experience in and of itself in order to enjoy flying sigh - one time Tessa was around 8 or so and we went to Oklahoma to see my parents and had a chance to get bumped - and take the flight the next day and fly first class - so I grabbed it - Tessa said as we sat in our cozy large leather seats "I feel so SORRY for the people back there" ha - yes, indeed - it is a luxury!

Arrived in Oahu and that peace that seems to permeate spread through me... until we could not find the rental car desk ... until we did find it and we were packed like sardines on the Thrifty rental car shuttle... yoga breath.. yoga breath... luggage tossed every place... in my yoga breath I realized I wanted to be the first person OFF this shuttle as the line would be mighty long - "Frank you get the luggage and I will get in line' Good move- first in line. I have a deep issue with waiting - perhaps I will explore that...but not now.

No convertible for us this week - wanted sun protection - thankful that my husband who is a lover of convertibles did not even make a face - just said "of course". Open the door - and what do I see...? BUGS? oh yes, two little roaches of some kind. Takes me back to our family vacation on Oahu - we had a rental van and low and behold there were roaches living in the car - I am so phobic and know if I *see two... how many more are there?? How long is the wait for another car and will another car be sans my little friends on this island full of humidity? sigh. No purses to set on the floor - Frank saying "My poor wife" as I am sitting in the passenger seat thinking "oh Lordie don't crawl on me"

Find the Ko' Lina Marriott time share with little issue - it is about 20 minutes or so from the airport. Ride to the property reminds me a bit of the 241 after a fire - nothing special to look at - cruising along...

We arrive and get checked into our villa - the service was outstanding - took our keys parked the car (travel note: for timeshare owners who swap in here the parking is free or 5.00 a day for in and out valet service) - brought up our bags - all is well.

We stopped upon my insistance to pick up our "welcome" packet which has a discount card in it for a few things - and they offered us a few different "free" things to have a 90 minute presentation with the Marriott - we said yes as we usually do. I am a point junky of sorts and the 10,000 points roped me in but we opted for the free Hawaiin Luau even though we said we were not going to do one this time - well it was 75.00 a person so for us for 150.00 it is worth the 90 minutes -

Well... the sun is rising and my sweet husband is up... so I will continue our adventure another time..

thanks for hangin' with me...
