Saturday, October 31, 2009


We are leaving the morning - this time it is not Dawn and family travels - but Dawn and Frankie travel :)

I did not think that we would have a chance in the near future to get away alone - so what a joyful surprise when back in July this trip came together.

Time share Swap - Ko' Lina Marriott - 6 nights - check

Air miles - check -

flying in the front of the plane folks on miles - check (nice!)

Dear Dear family coming to watch Tessa - check

Week off from school - check

Off we go...

As usual I am a bundle of nerves prior to leaving and small things that might go wrong are - but nothing major... seems like to me - nothing much is major these days anyays...

wow... 6 warm, wonderful, magical nights on an Island that seems to promote peace and tranquility calling our name..

Here we come - off in the morning.

How cool to have to get up at 5:00 am for a 8:55 am flight to only find that it is day lights savings time and we get to "fall" back :-D waahhhhoooooooooooo - I will take that extra hour of sleep.

Here we go again... been awhile - it is time. :)
