Monday, May 18, 2009

Family update

I realize I never update this blog... so I thought I would share a few things going on. Julianna had an amazing trip to Kenya and fell in love with Africa and the people there. She said she left a part of her heart there... She is anxious to go back at some point. (see: soon would be better for her!)

She is going on another trip with our HSM (high school group) at the end of June. This time she is venturing to Domenica Republic. I believe there are about 40 or so people total going - most of them high school students. They will be staying in the city for the most part from what I understand. Her Dad and I are in awe of the young woman she continues to become!

She has enjoyed Mission Viejo High School and just found out she made the Song team! She is super excited and looking forward to starting on that "journey" as well.

As far as the family goes - no "real" travel planned. I am in nursing school f/t so that sort of puts a damper on the ole travel budget AND time. Bummer right? Well, I am sure the hard work will pay off! :) We are planning a trip (well, I am planning a trip!) in July of 2012 after I graduate to the coast of Italy. Helps me to have something to look forward to.

Tessa loves her new school - she is doing well and looking forward to the big Jr. High Years! Oh baby! I am excited to see her grow; but alas she is my baby and I am in awe of all of the "lasts" (last time in elementary school...and the like)...

She is doing great in tennis! Moving up to another level she continues to show the same growth and dedication she did in cheer. We are very proud of her.

Love to all,